Three West Derby (Liverpool) Lines


Updated in June 2024



This Collett family was first published in January 2024 after many years spent gathering details of members of the family having a connection to the West Derby, Liverpool register office.  Initially there were two separate branches here; the main part of the file, and an appendix.  For the updated version in June 2024 a third branch has been inserted which pre-dates the two original branches.  Unfortunately, no link has been found to either of those two original branches, which now form Appendix One and Appendix Two


81a to 81g1


It is possible, but not proved, that John Collett who starts this new family line was the son of William Collett [81a] and his wife Elizabeth and was baptised at St Martin’s Church in Birmingham on 2nd September 1799.  That would place him close to where his wife Maria was born, and where their first two children were born before moving to Liverpool.  It is also perhaps not a coincidence that two of their first three children were named William and Elizabeth, after John’s parents


John Collett [81b] was born in Birmingham around 1799 and was a cabinet maker who married Maria Hassall of Birmingham at St Mary’s Church in Handsworth (Birmingham) Staffordshire on 29th July 1821.  They were living at Livery Street when their first child was born, and at St Luke’s Row off Constitution Street when the second child was born, shortly after which the family moved north to Liverpool.  They had a total of nine children and, apart from their first two, they were all born after settling in Liverpool, with their baptisms conducted at the Church of St Peter & St Nicholas on Church Street, just a short distance from Tyrer Street, where the family was living in 1829.  The couple’s two eldest Liverpool born daughters were baptised together in a joint ceremony on the same day, so they may have been twin sisters.  In those earlier days of their married life John and Maria resided at Tyrer Street and later moved to Post Office Place, as confirmed at the baptism of their fifth child.  Tragically, the young family lost their father during the spring of 1840 at a time when Maria was already pregnant with her eighth and last child, who was born later that same year.  The death of John Collett was recorded at Liverpool (Ref. xx 277) during the second quarter of 1840 and, just under one year later, that youngest child, he never knew, also passed away


Two months after her youngest child was buried at St Peter & St Nicholas Church, widow Maria Collett was recorded in the 1841 census at Kenyon Place in Liverpool with just three of her seven eldest children, having a rounded age of 40 years.  They were William Collett who was 15, Elizabeth Collett who was 11, and Henry Collett who was five years of age.  Only the two youngest children had been born in Liverpool, with Maria and William confirmed as not born in Lancashire.  In order to provide for her family, Maria began taking in lodgers during the 1840s, as recorded in the next census of 1851, by which time the family home was at St Davids Place in Liverpool.  Maria Collett from Birmingham, aged 52, was head of the household and described as a lodging house keeper, who had three male lodgers listed there that day.  Daughter Elizabeth was 21 and a milliner, and son Henry was 15 and a printer’s apprentice


On the day of the census in 1861, Maria Collett, a widow of 62, was living with her married daughter Elizabeth Wilson and her husband Charles at Jubilee Street in West Derby, Liverpool.  The completed census return once again stated that Maria had been born in Birmingham.  Four years later the death of Maria Collett aged 66 was recorded at West Derby (Ref. 8b 461) during the last three months of 1865, after she had died in Liverpool on 13th December 1865.  Her body was later laid to rest at the Necropolis Cemetery in Everton on 17th December 1865.  The burial record confirmed she had been living at 16 Hughes Street in Everton, and that her grave, #8253, had been purchased for Two Pounds Ten Shillings by Charles Wilson, her son-in-law


81c1 - Harriet Collett was born in 1823 at Birmingham

81c2 - William Collett was born in 1825 at Birmingham

81c3 - Elizabeth Collett was born in 1829 at Liverpool

81c4 - Mary Ann Collett was born in 1829 at Liverpool

81c5 - George Frederick Collett was born in 1832 at Liverpool

81c6 - Frederick Collett was born in 1834 at Liverpool

81c7 - Henry Collett was born in 1836 at Liverpool

81c8 - Frederick Collett was born in 1839 at Liverpool

81c9 - Reuben John Collett was born in 1840 at Liverpool


Harriet Collett [81c1] was born at Livery Street in Birmingham on 7th May 1823 and was baptised on 28th May 1823, the first of the nine known children of John Collett and Maria Hassall.  


William Collett [81c2] was born at St Luke’s Row, Constitution Street in Birmingham on 14th January 1825 and was baptised at St Peter’s Cathedral on 31st August 1925, the eldest son of John and Maria Collett.  Sometime after he was born the family moved to Tyrer Street in Liverpool where they lived until moving to nearby Post Office Place where they were recorded in 1832.  Nine years later, and following the death of his father in 1840, and his just brother Reuben (below) in early 1841, William Collett was the eldest of just three children still living with his widowed mother.  He was 16 years old and had not been born within the County of Lancashire.  Three years after that census day the death of William Collett was recorded at West Derby (Ref. xx 601) during the second quarter of 1844, although no age was mentioned


Elizabeth Collett [81c3] was born at Liverpool in 1829 and was baptised at St Peter & St Nicholas Church in a combined ceremony with her twin-sister Mary Ann (below) on 4th August 1829, another child of John and Maria Collett of Tyrer Street in Liverpool.  Following the death of her father in 1840, Elizabeth was one of only three children still living with their widowed mother in 1841, when Elizabeth was eleven years of age.  On leaving school Elizabeth enter the world of millinery and in 1851 at the age of 21 she was a milliner living at St Davids Place in Liverpool with her mother and younger brother Henry (below).  It was nine years later on 28th November 1860 when Elizabeth Collett was married by licence signed the previous day by Charles Wilson, a mariner.  The licence confirmed they were both of full age and single, and that they were both residing in Everton, within the Parish of Walton-on-the Hill, with the marriage ceremony to be conducted at the Church of St Augustine in the Parish of Walton-on-the-Hill


That happy event was recorded at West Derby (Ref. 8b 594) and, four months after their wedding day, the couple was recorded in the census of 1861 as living at Jubilee Street in West Derby, when Charles Wilson from London was a mariner at the age of 41, with his wife Elizabeth Wilson of Liverpool being 31 years old and having no occupation.  Staying with them was Elizabeth’s elderly widowed mother Maria Collett, who was described as the mother-in-law head of the household Charles.  Not long after that day, Elizabeth gave birth to a daughter and four years later Maria Collett passed away.  In the following census of 1871, the three members of the family were residing in the Everton district of Liverpool, where Charles was a mariner from London aged 50, Elizabeth from Liverpool was 40, and Maria Wilson was 10 years old and named after her grandmother


Mary Ann Collett [81c4] was born at Liverpool in 1829 and was baptised at St Peter & St Nicholas Church on 4th August 1829, the eldest daughter of John and Maria Collett of Tyrer Street in Liverpool.  On that same day Mary Ann’s sister Elizabeth (above), perhaps her twin-sister, was also baptised at St Peter’s in a joint baptism service, another daughter of cabinet maker John Collett and his wife Maria.  After her father died in 1840, Mary Ann was not living with her widowed mother of the day of the census in 1841, when her twin-sister Elizabeth and older brother William (above) were two of only three children from a family of seven siblings listed with Maria Collett at Kenyon Place in Liverpool


Once again, ten years later, no record of Mary Ann Collett has been found within the census of 1851.  However, five years later, the marriage of Mary Ann Collett, daughter of John Collett, married Peter Pemberton, son of James Pemberton, at Liverpool on 21st September 1856.  Two years after their wedding day the first of the couple’s three known children James Pemberton was born and baptised at St Peter & St Nicholas Church in Liverpool on 26th September 1858, his birth not registered at Liverpool until six months later during the spring of 1859 (Ref. 8b 74).  He was followed by the birth of two daughters, the first of them born at Bebington on the Wirral, the next at West Derby, with no record found of the five family members in 1861


By 1871 the complete family was within the Everton area of Liverpool where Peter Pemberton from Liverpool was 45 and a grocer manager, and his wife was Mary Ann Pemberton aged 44 (sic).  Recorded with the couple were their three children; James Pemberton aged 13 and from Bromborough near Bebington on the Wirral, Elizabeth Pemberton aged nine years from New Ferry in Bromborough, and Marian Pemberton who was four years old and born in Liverpool.  It was a similar situation in 1881, when grocer Peter was 65 and Mary Ann was 53 were living in the West Derby district of Liverpool, when son James was 23 and a telegraph clerk from Bromborough in Cheshire, Elizabeth was 19 from New Ferry in Cheshire, and Marian was 14 and born in Liverpool


For the two daughters of Peter and Mary Ann, Elizabeth Pemberton was baptised at Bebington on the Wirral on 1st September 1861, and Marian Pemberton was born at West Derby on 23rd June 1866 and was baptised at the Church of St Peter & St Nicholas in Liverpool on 25th September 1866.  According to the next census in 1891, only the couple’s youngest child was still living with them at West Derby.  Peter Pemberton was 75 and still working as a grocer, Mary Pemberton from Liverpool was 63, and Marian was named as Maria Pemberton who was 24 and a school teacher.  Completing the household was married visitor Maria Hammond aged 29


George Frederick Collett [81c5] was born in the family home at Post Office Place in Liverpool during 1832 and was baptised at St Peter & St Nicholas Church on 26th June 1832, another son of John and Maria Collett


Frederick Collett [81c6] was born at Liverpool in 1834, possibly at Post Office Place, and was baptised at St Peter & St Nicholas Church in Liverpool on 4th August 1834, the six children of John and Maria Collett.  No record of his older brother George has been found after his baptism, who may have suffered an infant death, with Frederick named in his honour.  Tragically, Frederick did not survive long after he was baptised and was buried at Necropolis Cemetery in Everton on 8th February 1835, when he was confirmed as the son of Maria Collett


Henry Collett [81c7] was born at Liverpool in 1836 where he baptised at St Peter & St Nicholas Church on 7th March 1836, another son of John and Maria Collett.  Henry was five years old in the census of 1841 when he was living with his widowed mother and two older siblings William and Elizabeth, following the death of their father in 1840, and four brothers between 1832 and 1841.  Fortunately for Henry, he was one of the few members of the family to live to an older age and, in 1851 at the age of 15, it was just him and his sister Elizabeth the only members of the family still living with their mother, but at St David’s Place in Liverpool.  By that time in his life, he had finished school and was working as a printer’s apprentice


Almost ten years after that census day, the marriage of Henry Collett and Mary Marland was conducted at Holy Trinity Church in Bardsley on 4th February 1861.  Henry was 23 and the son of John Collett, while Mary was 21 and the daughter of William Marland.  However, despite the son and father’s name, that Henry was born in 1837 and was an iron turner living in Ashton-under-Lyne from 1841 through to at least 1871.  Much later, as Mary Marland Collett, she died in Oldham on 24th March 1921 and was buried at Hollinwood Cemetery, Roman Road in Oldham


The marriage of Henry Collett of Liverpool and Mary Brownhill took place at Edge Hill, West Derby in Liverpool on 20th March 1859, and was recorded at West Derby (Ref. 8b 495).  Mary was the daughter of John and Ann Brownhill of Russell Street in Manchester and was baptised on 26th July 1835.  Despite being slightly older than Henry, Mary was always recorded with a lower age than her husband in all census returns.  Mary would have been with-child of their wedding day, with the birth of the couple’s first child recorded during the following quarter year.  He was recorded as being two years old in the census of 1861, when the young family was recorded at Anne Street, when Henry from Liverpool was 24 and a printer compositor, and his wife Mary was 23.  One other child was added to their family four years later, and it was also during that same decade when Henry made a career change.  By 1871 the four members of the family were still living within the Edge Hill district of Liverpool when Henry was a porter at 35, Mary was working as a laundress at 33, William H Collett was 11 and not a scholar, while brother Charles was six years old and attending school.  Two paying boarders were staying with the family that day and one of them was Mary’s mother Ann Brownhill from Yorkshire who was 71 and a widow.  The other boarder was Robert Hannah from Scotland who was 15 and a sailor, the younger brother pf Alexander Hannah who was a boarder with the family in 1881


It was at 22 Etna Street in Everton that they were living in 1881, by which time Henry was 45 and a general porter, Mary was 43 with no occupation, William H Collett was 21 and a plumber, and Charles was 17 and a gas fitter.  Mary was still taking in boarders, with Alexander Hannah from Scotland being 27 and another plumber.  During the following years, Henry returned to the printing business and at 55 he was a printer’s letter presser in 1891.  His wife Mary was 53 and son Charles was 27 and a plumber.  Boarding with the family that day was Archibald Thomson, 20 and a plumber’s labourer from Liverpool, most likely working with Charles.  One other person was staying at the address and she was described as follows.  Alice Collett from Carlisle and 22 years of age, having no occupation, who was married and, although listed as ‘daughter’ she was obviously the daughter-in-law of Henry and Mary


Six years after that day, Henry Collett was 61 years of age when he died in Liverpool on 25th August 1897 and was buried at the Kirkdale Cemetery, Longmoor Lane, Walton, Fazakerley in Liverpool on 29th August in a private grave #688.  His death was recorded at West Derby register office (Ref. 8b 262) and at that time in his life he was residing at 55 Phoebe Anne Street in Everton


81d1 - William Henry Collett was born in 1859 at Edge Hill, Liverpool

81d2 - Charles Collett was born in 1864 at Edge Hill, Liverpool


Frederick Collett [81c8] was born at Liverpool in 1839 with his baptism conducted at St Peter & St Nicholas Church on 7th January 1839, the seventh child of John and Maria Collett.


Reuben John Collett [81c9] was born at Liverpool in 1840 and was baptised there in the Church of St Peter & St Nicholas on 26th October 1840, the eighth and last child of cabinet case maker John Collett and his wife Maria Hassall although sadly, his father had died around five or six months earlier.  Reuben was around six months old when he died and was most likely buried with his late father in the grounds of St Peter & St Nicholas Church on 28th March 1841.  The infant death of Reuben John Collett, the son of John Collett (deceased) and Maria Collett was recorded at Liverpool (Ref. xx 321)


William Henry Collett [81d1] was born at Edge Hill, Liverpool in 1859, with his birth registered at West Derby (Ref. 8b 359) during the spring that year, within three months of his parents wedding day  He was the older of the two sons of Henry Collett and Mary Brownhill and was two years of age in the census of 1861, when he and his parents were living at Anne Street, where William may have been born.  He was 11 years old in 1871, and after leaving school he worked as a plumber, as he was in 1881 aged 21, when he was still living with his family at 22 Etna Street in Everton.  Eighteen months after that census day, the marriage of William Henry Collett and Emma Elizabeth Robinson took place at Edge Hill on 9th December 1882 and recorded at West Derby (Ref. 8b 737) during the last three months of 1882.  Around nine months later Emma, who was known as Elizabeth, gave birth to William Henry Collett junior


William Henry Collett senior, a plumber, was 24 and residing at 77 Rokesmith Street, Edge Hill, West Derby in Liverpool when he died, with his premature death recorded at West Derby (Ref. 8b 401) during the fourth quarter of 1883.  He was buried at Toxteth Park Cemetery, a short distance from Rokesmith Street, on 21st October 1883 in grave 609, a half freehold plot for which Mrs Elizabeth Collett had paid £3 13 Shillings and Six Pence on 19th October 1883.  Having lost her husband so quickly after the wedding, and then the birth of their son, Emma returned to live with her mother Marth Robinson in West Derby where, both mother and daughter were widows in 1891.  Emma Collett was 31 and a laundress who had been born at West Derby, and was described as the daughter of Martha Robinson who was 69 and from Yorkshire, another laundress.  Emma’s son was seven years of age and was described as the grandson of Martha Robinson


It was at Heathcote Street in West Derby where Emma and her son were living in 1901, where her late husband’s younger married brother Charles Collett (below) was also living with his family that year.  Emma E Collett was 41 and continuing to earn a living as a laundress, by which time son William was 17 and a compositor’s apprentice, having taken up the same work as his grandfather Henry Collett (1836-1897) who had died when William was 14.  Emma’s widowed sister Margaret A Lyons aged 44 and a laundress, and nephew John Lyons aged 16 and a milling machinist, where staying at the Collett house at that time


It was virtually the same situation ten years later when widow Emma Elizabeth Collett, as head of the household was 51, still have her unmarried son, her sister, and her nephew, still living with her in the West Derby area of Liverpool in 1911.  William Henry Collett was 27 and a waterman, Margaret Ann Lyons was 54, when John Lyons was 26 and a goods checker with the London & North Western Railway Company.  All four of them had been born in Liverpool.


Thirty-six years after that census day, Emma Elizabeth Collett, nee Robinson, was still living in Liverpool when she passed away at the age of 87, when her death was recorded at the Liverpool North register office (Ref. 10d 371) during the spring of 1947.  Her date of birth at West Derby was confirmed as 21st December 1859, while it was at Toxteth Park Cemetery that her body was laid to rest with her late husband on 7th May 1947.  Emma was born at Copperas Hill in Liverpool, where she was fifteen months old on the day of the census in 1861, the home of her parents Edward and Martha Robinson


81e1 - William Henry Collett was born in 1883 at Edge Hill, Liverpool


Charles Collett [81d2] was born at Edge Hill, Liverpool in 1864, the younger son of Henry Collett and Mary Brownhill, whose birth was registered at West Derby (Ref. 8b 462) during the second quarter of the year.  In the census of 1871 Charles was a six-year-old schoolboy living with his family, and was 17 by 1881, when he was employed as a gas fitter and was living in the family home at 22 Etna Street in Everton.  It was towards the end of the decade that Charles Collett married Alice from Carlisle.  The next census in 1891 identified Charles and Alice living at the home of Charles’ parents in West Derby, from where Charles aged 27 was working as a plumber, and Alice was 22.  The couple’s first three children were born before the end of the century, with the family of five recorded at Heathcote Street in Edge Hill in March 1901.  Also living in Edge Hill at 26 Heathcote Street was the Collett family of widow Emma Elizabeth Collett, nee Robinson (below)


Plumber Charles was 36, Jemima Alice from Scotland (sic) was 32, Mary E Collett was eight, Arthur Collett was three, and Winifred Collett was one years old.  Three more children were added to their family in the following ten years, at the end of which the enlarged family was residing at West Derby with Charles then 45 and a foreman plumber employed by the Liverpool Water Works.  Jemima Alice from Carlisle was 42, Mary Elizabeth was 18 and a student teacher, Arthur was 13 and at school, as was Winifred aged 11, William was nine, Herbert was six, and Doris was three years old.  Every member of the household was recorded as having been born at West Derby, except mother Mary


Charles Collett on 24th November 1933 and was buried at Kirkdale Cemetery.  His Will was proved at Liverpool on 19th December 1933, when his widow Jemima Alice Collett was named as the sole beneficiary.  Eleven years after losing her husband, Alice Collett’s death was recorded at Lancashire register office (Ref. 8c 50) when, rather curiously, her name was reported as Elizabeth Alice Collett aged 76


81e2 - Mary Elizabeth Collett was born in 1892 at West Derby, Liverpool

81e3 - Arthur Collett was born in 1897 at West Derby, Liverpool

81e4 - Winifred Collett was born in 1899 at Edge Hill, Liverpool

81e5 - William Collett was born in 1901 at Edge Hill, Liverpool

81e6 - Herbert Collett was born in 1905 at Edge Hill, Liverpool

81e7 - Doris Collett was born in 1907 at Edge Hill, Liverpool


William Henry Collett [81e1] was born in 1883 at Edge Hill, Liverpool, most likely at 77 Rokesmith Street, Edge Hill in West Derby, with his birth recorded at West Derby (Ref. 8b 563) during the third quarter of the year.  It was also at Edge Hill where he was baptised on 2nd September 1883, the only child of William Henry Collett (1859-1883) and his wife Emma Elizabeth Robinson.  William junior would have been around two months old when his father died, and tragically, just eleven months after his parents were married.  From that day forward, for the first thirty years of his life, William lived with his mother, initially at the West Derby home of his maternal grandmother Martha Robinson where in 1891, grandson William H Collett was seven years old


During the following decade his grandmother passed away and by 1901 William’s mother was the head of the household at 26 Heathcote Street in Edge Hill, the same street where William’s uncle Charles Collett was living at that time.  By that time William was 17 years of age and was an apprentice working alongside a printer’s compositor, the same occupation as his grandfather Henry Collett (1836-1897) who may have influenced him to take up that occupation on leaving school.  According to the next census in 1911, William Henry Collett was a bachelor at 27 who was employed as a waterman, public flushing, with the Water Dept of Liverpool Corporation, who was still living with, and supporting his mother financially, having given up her work as a laundress


In 1915, William Henry Collett aged 32 of Liverpool, entered military service with the Royal Garrison Artillery when, in the previous year he had become a married man.  The married of William Henry Collett and Mary Harding Edwards in Liverpool was recorded at West Derby register office (Ref. 8b 547) with the wedding conducted at St Dunstan’s Church in Edge Hill on 4th August 1914.  William was 31 and confirmed as the son of Henry Collett, while Mary’s father was recorded as Smauel Frederick Edwards, one of the witnesses, when other witnesses were Mary Elizabeth Collett and John Lyons.  John was William’s cousin and the son of his mother’s older sister Martha Ann Lyons, nee Robinson, and Mary Elizabeth Collett was William’s cousin (below).  The couple’s first child was born in the middle of the First World War, with the second born a year after peace was declared.  Both births were recorded at West Derby register office, with the mother’s maiden-name confirmed as Edwards


Three years after the end of the Second World War, William Henry Collett died at Liverpool on 13th April 1949, just two years after the death of his mother.  He was buried at Anfield Cemetery on 16th April 1949 at the age of 65, following which his Will was proved at Liverpool on 21st June 1949, when the sole beneficiary was his unmarried daughter Mary Elizabeth Collett.  His excluded son was married during the previous year.  The earlier death of Mary Harding Collett was recorded at Lancashire register office (Ref. 8b 630) in 1943 when she was 57.  Mary Harding Edwards was born at Bidston, on the Wirral, her birth registered at Birkenhead (Ref. 8a 549) during the third quarter of 1886, and was baptised on 5th September 1886, the daughter of Samuel Frederick Edwards and his wife Mary Jane who were living at Ash Grove in Wavertree, West Derby, Liverpool in 1901


81f1 - Mary Elizabeth Collett was born in 1916 at West Derby, Liverpool

81f2 - William Frederick Collett was born in 1920 at West Derby, Liverpool


Mary Elizabeth Collett [81e2] was born at West Derby in Liverpool either at the end of 1892 or early in 1893, with her birth recorded at West Derby register office (Ref. 8b 291) during the first quarter of 1893, the first-born child of Charles Collett and his wife Alice, aka Jemima Alice/Elizabeth Alice/Emma Alice, about whom little is known.  Mary E Collett was eight years of age in the West Derby census of 1901 when she and her family were residing at Heathcote Street in Edge Hill.  On leaving school, she began a career in education and, as simply Mary Collett she a student teacher at the age of 18 in the West Derby census of 1911 when she was still living at the family home.  Mary never married and as Mary Elizabeth Collett she died in Liverpool during December 1933 and was buried with her late father at Kirkdale Cemetery in Liverpool on 22nd December 1933 at nearly 40 years of age.  Her Will was proved at Liverpool a month later, on 21st January 1934, when her mother Jemima Elizabeth Collett was the beneficiary, having been made a widow just four weeks earlier in 1933


Arthur Collett [81e3] was born at West Derby in Liverpool during 1897, the eldest son of Charles and Alice Collett.  His birth was recorded at West Derby register office (Ref. 8b 277) during the summer of that year. He was three years old in 1901 when the family was living at Heathcote Street in Edge Hill, where he may have been born.  Ten years later Arthur appears to have still been attending school at the age of 13, but instead of being referred to as a scholar, under occupation it simply recorded the word school.  In 1914 Arthur’s age was incorrectly recorded as 19 when he enlisted with the British Army and joined The King’s Liverpool Regiment as Private Arthur Collett 22658.  Tragically, he was killed in action on 30th July 1916 during the Battle of the Somme (1st July - 4th November 1916), with his name included on the Thievpal Memorial.  When his parents received that sad news from the War Office, Charles and Emma (?) Alice Collett were living at 29 Earle Road in Edge Hill, Liverpool


Winifred Collett [81e4] was born at Heathcote Street in Edge Hill, Liverpool on 17th October 1899, when her birth was recorded at West Derby register office (Ref. 8b 568).  She was another child of Charles and Alice Collett and was said to be one year old in 1901 and was 11 years of age in 1911, again at Edge Hill.  Winifred was 32 years old when her marriage to Bernard Blight was recorded at Liverpool register office (Ref. 8b 209) during the third quarter of 1932.  No record of any children has been found


Winifred Blight, nee Collett, was 55 when she died, with her passing recorded at Lancashire register office (Ref. 10b 661) in 1955.  Six years after being widowed, Bernard Blight married Lilian F Hecker at Blackpool, where their wedding was recorded (Ref. 10b 969) at the start of 1962.  Bernard died after just eleven years with Lilian, when he was buried at Lytham-St-Anne on 27th May 1973.  He was born at Halifax in Yorkshire in 1902, the son of Arthur and Emily Blight


William Collett [81e5] was born at Heathcote Street in Edge Hill, Liverpool on 4th December 1901 and his birth was recorded at West Derby register office (Ref. 8b 608) during the last three months of the year.  He was another son of Charles and Alice Collett with who he was living in Edge Hill in 1911 at the age of nine years.  William was 26 when his marriage to Louisa Manley was recorded at Liverpool register office (Ref. 8b 43) during the summer of 1927.  Louisa was born at Toxteth, Liverpool, on 26th August 1903, the daughter of Edith Florence Elliott.  Over the following fourteen years Louisa gave birth to three children, whose births were recorded at Liverpool where their mother’s maiden name was confirmed as Manley.  The later death of William Collett aged 80 was recorded at Lancashire register office (Vol. 36 0495) during 1982, while it was ten years after his passing that the death of Louisa Collett, nee Manley, was recorded at Lancashire (Vol. 36 463)


81f3 - Joyce Collett was born in 1928 at Liverpool

81f4 - Enid Collett was born in 1938 at Liverpool

81f5 – Roger D Collett was born in 1941 at Liverpool


Herbert Collett [81e6] was born at Edge Hill in Liverpool in 1905, the youngest son of Charles and Alice Collett, whose birth was recorded at West Derby register office (Ref. 8b 587) during the spring of that year.  Herbert was six years old in the Edge Hill census of 1911 and died there prior to his eighteenth birthday on 11th February 1923


Doris Collett [81e7] was born at Edge Hill near the end 1907 and was the last child of Charles and Alice Collett.  Like all her older siblings, her birth was also recorded at West Derby register office (Ref. 8b 586) at the start of 1908 and was three years of age in 1911.  When she was 23 she was single and working as a nurse when she travelled to Shanghai in China on 28th September 1931.  Nine years after that day, the marriage of Doris Collett and Thomas McGuinness was recorded at Liverpool North (Ref. 8b 1459) during the second quarter of 1940.  Over the following years Doris gave birth to three children; the first of them was Anthony McGuinness in the summer of 1941 at Liverpool (Ref. 8b 534).  The births of the other children were recorded at Lancashire register office; Charles McGuinness in 1944 (Ref. 8b 347), and Teresa E McGuinness in 1948 (Ref. 10b 931).  For all three births, the mother’s maiden-name was confirmed as Collett


Mary Elizabeth Collett [81f1] was born at Liverpool on 3rd November 1916 and was the eldest of the two children of William Henry Collett and Mary Harding Edwards.  Her birth was recorded at West Derby register office (Ref. 8b 971) during the fourth quarter of the year, when her mother’s maiden-name was confirmed as Edwards.  Mary Elizabeth Collett never married and died in Liverpool on 5th February 1995 with her death recorded at Lancashire register office (Vol. 0251b b15d) at the age of 78.  Having already suffered the loss of her mother in 1943, when her widowed father passed away in 1949 his Will was proved at Liverpool on 21st June 1949, when the sole beneficiary was his unmarried daughter Mary Elizabeth Collett.  Mary’s younger brother (below) had become a married in 1948 and was not named in the Will


William Frederick Collett [81f2] was born at West Derby on 6th February 1920, the son of William and Mary Collett, where his birth was recorded (Ref. 8b 1435) and where Edwards was confirmed as his mother’s maiden-name.  William was 28 when he married Rita Bowes, with their wedding recorded at Durham North-Western register office (Ref. 1a 1633) during the third quarter of 1948.  Rita had been born on 12th April 1921 at Houghton-le-Spring, Durham, the daughter of John Bowes and Gertrude Stoker.  No record of any children for the couple has been found


At some time during their life together, William and Rita travelled south from County Durham and settled in Gloucestershire, and it was at Cirencester that Rita Collett, nee Bowes, died on 22nd September 1998.  Fourteen months after suffering the loss of his wife, William Frederick Collett died in Gloucester on 5th December 1999, with his passing recorded their (Vol. 4831b b55)


Joyce Collett [81f3] was born at Liverpool in 1928 and was the first of the three children of William Collett and Louisa Manley.  Her birth was recorded at Liverpool register office (Ref. 8b 512) during the spring of that year, when her mother’s maiden-name was confirmed as Manley.  The marriage of Joyce Collett and Edward Larrosa was recorded at Lancashire register office (Ref. 10d 1028) during the last three months of 1948


The marriage produced four children, with the birth of the first two also recorded at Lancashire register, and the second two and Liverpool register office.  On all four occasions the mother’s maiden-name was confirmed as Collett.  They were Patricia Larrosa in 1949, David Larrosa in 1950, Ruth Larrosa in 1953, and Alan Larrosa in 1961


Enid Collett [81f4] was born at Liverpool in 1938 another daughter of William and Louisa Collett, whose birth was recorded there (Ref. 8b 174) during the second quarter of the year, when Manley was confirmed as her mother’s maiden-name.  When Enid was married during the summer of 1961 she became Enid Turnbull, when the wedding was recorded at Liverpool South register office (Ref. 10d 846).  It was at Liverpool North register office where the births of their three children were recorded; Ceri Turnbull in 1963, Frederick D Turnbull in 1965, and Rhona Turnbull at the end of 1966.  Each time, the mother’s maiden-name was confirmed as Collett


Roger D Collett [81f5] was born at Liverpool in 1941 at Liverpool and was the only son and third and last child of William Collett and Louisa Manley.  His birth was recorded at Liverpool register office (Ref. 8b 260) during the third quarter of 1941, with his mother’s maiden-name confirmed as Manley.  Roger was 21 when his marriage to Margaret E Royle was conducted across the Mersey River from Liverpool in Cheshire and was recorded at North East Cheshire register office in Birkenhead (Ref. 10a 1007) during the summer of 1963.  Their son Stephen Collett was born in Liverpool with his birth recorded at Liverpool North register office (Ref. 10d 682) during the third quarter of 1966, when his mother’s maiden-name was confirmed as Royle


81g1 – Stephen Collett was born in 1966 at Liverpool



APPENDIX ONE – 81N1 to 81T1


Richard Collett [81N1] was very likely born within the 1820s


81O1 - Joseph Richard Collett was born in 1851 at Derbyshire


Joseph Richard Collett [81O1] was, according to the census in 1851, born in Derbyshire who, at the age of 18, was imprisoned in Lancashire from 1869 to 1872, although no details of his crime have been unearthed, but that does account for the fact that no census record for him has been found in 1871.  In subsequent census returns he repeated that he had been born in Derbyshire, with just the census in 1901 stating his place of birth was Gloucestershire.  Three years after his release from gaol, Joseph Collett, a bachelor, married much older (1) Mary Dodd, a widow, at Great Harwood in Lancashire on 5th June 1875, when the groom was confirmed as the son of Richard Collett, and the bride was named as the daughter of James Hutton.  As Mary Hutton, she was baptised at the Church of St Mary the Virgin in Bury on 7th September 1856, the child of James and Jane Hutton.  The baptism record also confirmed that Mary was an adult aged 23, having been born at Bury on 22nd June 1833, whose father was a watchman.  It therefore appears likely that the event presumably took place just prior to her church wedding with her first husband, Mr Dodd.


Despite not locating the death of his first wife before the end of the 1870s, it was on 25th December 1880, that Joseph Collett married (2) Elizabeth Sweetland, with their wedding conducted at St Mary’s Church in Kirkdale, Lancashire, when Joseph was a widower and the son of Richard Collett, while Elizabeth was a spinster and the daughter of John Sweetland.  Elizabeth was born on 24th February 1860 and was baptised at St Peter’s Church in Liverpool on 8th April 1860, the daughter of John and Margaret Sweetland.  Three months after their wedding day, Joseph and Elizabeth were boarders at 22 Sidney Place in the Edge Hill area of Liverpool within the West Derby registration district, the home of miller George Marshall and his wife and family.  While Elizabeth from Liverpool was 21, her husband Joseph was 28 and a porter, who said he was born at Bedford in Bedfordshire, which was obviously not true.  In fact, it may have been his criminal activities that meant he shied away from the truth when it came to admitting where he was actually born, as it varied with every census return


In 1891 the couple and their three sons were living at Adelaide Street in the Everton-Liverpool area,  where Joseph was a carter aged 40 who gave his place of birth as Bedford in Derbyshire, when his wife was 29, Joseph junior was six, Thomas was three, and David was two months old.  Before the birth of daughter Alice, the family moved to Bootle where they were living when she was born.  The census of 1901 identified the enlarged family living at 16 Elm Street within the parish of Bootle St Mary at Bootle-cum-Linacre near Litherland, still under the West Derby registration district of Liverpool.  By that time in his life, Joseph was 49 and a railway carters foreman, whose county of birth was said to be Gloucestershire.  Elizabeth was 39, Joseph junior was 16, Thomas was 13, David was 10, Margaret was six, and Alice was one year of age.  Apart from Joseph and daughter Alice, who was born in Bootle, all the other members of the family were recorded as born in Liverpool.


Three years later Elizabeth gave birth to another daughter, the couple’s last child.  According to the next census in 1911, Joseph Collett from Derbyshire was 59 and a railway drayman with the Midland Railway Company, who was residing at 114 Linacre Road, Litherland, not far from where the family was living ten years earlier, being just east of their previous address at Elm Street.  His wife Elizabeth was 48, Joseph junior was 26 and a carter, Thomas was 23 and a dock labourer, David was 20 and a carter for a greengrocer, Margaret was 16 and a B W assistant at a lighthouse, Alice was 11 and at school, as was Charlotte who was seven years old.  Every member of the household, excluding Joseph senior, had been born in Liverpool


Fifteen years after that census day, the death of Joseph Collett, aged 74, was recorded at West Derby register office (Ref. 8b 413) during the second quarter of 1925.  Within the Appendix at the end of this family line is another Joseph Collett whose son’s birth was also recorded at West Derby


81P1 - Joseph Richard Collett was born in 1884 at Liverpool

81P2 - Thomas William Collett was born in 1887 at Liverpool

81P3 - David Collett was born in 1890 at Liverpool

81P4 - Margaret Ann Collett was born in 1894 at Kirkdale, Bootle

81P5 - Elizabeth Mary Collett was born in 1898 at Kirkdale, Bootle

81P6 - Alice Evelyn Collett was born in 1899 at Kirkdale, Bootle

81P7 - Elizabeth Charlotte Collett was born in 1903 at Litherland


Joseph Richard Collett [81P1] was born in Liverpool on 2nd October 1884, with his birth registered at West Derby (Ref. 8b 424) during the fourth quarter of 1884.  He was the first-born child of Joseph Richard Collett and his second wife Elizabeth Sweetland and, at the age of six years, he was living with his family at Adelaide Street in Everton area of Liverpool in 1891.  Ten years later the family was residing at 16 Elm Street in Linacre, Bootle, where Joseph Collett was 16.  After that day the family moved to its long-term home at 114 Linacre Road, Litherland, where unmarried Joseph Collett was 26 in 1911, from where he was working as a carter.


Four years later The Bootle Times on 11th June 1915, reporting on the death of his brother Thomas (below), also mentioned Joseph as follows:

Pte Joseph Collett, who was draft out to France on 7th March 1915, has sent home an interesting diary of events in France.  This shows that ten days after arrival in France he was trench digging in front of the firing line and, on 20th March, he went into the trenches for the first time.  Good Friday was also spent in the trenches.  Under the date of 17th April, Joseph reported that “we marched straight from Bethune into the trenches; had a very hot time, four wounded, one killed.”  On April 23rd there is an entry which does not occur elsewhere – “had bath”.  There is a great deal behind the following laconic entries with which the diary closes.  May 15th – big night attack – A and B Companies take part.  May 16th – C Company and 5th King’s make bayonet attack.  May 17th – Wounded. Went to Boulogne.


The Bootle Times article continued saying “Many friends of Pte Collett will wish him a quick recovery and the best of luck.  In a letter to the Editor of the Bootle Times, Pte Joseph Collett says “I must let you know how we so-called ‘Saturday afternoon soldiers’ went into the charge.  Two of our companies, A and B, took three lines of trenches, and C and D Companies had to move forward to support them.  Over open ground we charged, only to be mown down by the enemy’s machine guns.  We lost heavily, but those who were not killed crawled into safety until stretcher-bearers took them away.  We captured prisoners and machine guns, in addition to the trenches.  Since our battalion has been at the front, they have been highly praised for their coolness in the firing line and in attack.  Some of the wounded, besides myself, are Privates G Gorman, W Litter, O’Donnell, Wetherby, Bryant, and H Smith.”


It was during the war years that Joseph Richard Collett, while on home leave and recovering from his injuries, married Mabel M Bell with their wedding recorded at West Derby register office (Ref. 8b 900) during the second quarter of 1917.  Mabel Mary Bell was born at Orwell Road, Kirkdale, Walton-on-the-Hill in Liverpool in 1896, the eldest daughter of John Walter Bell and Emily Bell.  It was at the Church of St Athanasios in Kirkdale that she was baptised on 20th December 1896.  During the first fifteen years of their married life together Mabel presented Joseph with four daughters and one son, who were born at Bootle with their births all recorded at West Derby registered office, when their mother’s maiden-name was confirmed as Bell.  Tragically, their first child did not survive, with the birth of Lilian L Collett recorded during the second quarter of 1918 (Ref. 8b 572), followed by her death which was also recorded at West Derby register office (Ref. 8b 416) during the last three months of 1919 at the age of one year.


Despite being so much younger than her husband, Mabel Mary Collett died at Bootle on 20th January 1973 and was buried at Bootle Cemetery, after which her passing was recorded at Lancashire register office (Ref. 10b 2060).  Her death certificate confirmed that she had been born on 5th December 1896.  Just over a year later she was joined by her husband, when the death of Joseph Richard Collett was recorded at Liverpool register office (Vol. 36 1324) during the second quarter of 1974 when he was 89 years old.


81Q1 - Lilian L Collett was born in 1918 at Bootle (West Derby)

81Q2 - Edith Mary Collett was born in 1919 at Bootle (West Derby)

81Q3 - Doris Victoria Collett was born in 1921 at Bootle (West Derby)

81Q4 - Douglas Haig Collett was born in 1927 at Bootle (West Derby)

81Q5 - Jean L Collett was born in 1931 at Bootle (West Derby)


Thomas William Collett [81P2] was born at Liverpool in 1887, with his birth registered at West Derby (Ref. 8b 314) during the last three months of that year,  the second son of Joseph and Elizabeth Collett.  He may have been born at Adelaide Street, where his younger brother David was born and his family was living in 1891 when Thoms Collett was three years old.  A couple of years later the family was residing at 16 Elm Street in Linacre, Bootle, where Joseph Collett was 16.  After that day the family moved to a more permanent home at 114 Linacre Road, Litherland, where unmarried Joseph Collett was 26 in 1911, from where he was working as a dock labourer.


It was at Bootle that he enlisted for duty in the First World War on 5th August 1914 and was killed in action on 16th May 1915.  The Evening Express on 6th June reported that “One of three brothers, Pte T W Collett of the 7th King’s, is among the fallen.  He was 26 years of age, and was one of the three brothers who joined up at the outbreak of war.  He was employed by Messrs F Smith, engineers, Chapel Street, Bootle, and resided with his parents at 114 Linacre Road, Litherland.  A brother is lying in hospital wounded, and a third is still fighting the countries battles.”


Another article, printed in the Bootle Times on 25th June 1915 stated that “Pte T W Collett, who fell in action on 16th May 1915 aged 25, was formerly secretary of the Liverpool Battalion of the Ulster Volunteers.  One of his brothers has been wounded, and another is still in the firing line,  Great sympathy is felt for his parents who reside at 114 Linacre Road in Litherland.”


Thomas William Collett, service number 2030, of the 7th Battalion of The King’s Liverpool Regiment was buried at Rue-des-Berceaux Military Cemetery at Richebourg-L’Avoue, Pas de Calais. He is also remembered by the Mersey Roll of Honour, and is commemorated on local memorials at Litherland Civic Memorial, St Andrew’s Church of England Church in Linacre, and at his school, Lander Road School in Litherland.


David Collett [81P3] was born at Adelaide Street in Liverpool in the early months of 1891 and was another son of Joseph and Elizabeth Collett, when his birth was recorded at the West Derby register office in Liverpool (Ref. 8b 316) during the second quarter of 1891.  It was also at Adelaide Street that was David was two months old in 1891, while in 1901 he and his family were recorded at 16 Elm Street in Bootle-cum-Linacre near Litherland when David was ten years old and his place of birth was Liverpool.  After a further decade David Collett from Liverpool was 20 and carter working for a greengrocer, when he and his completed family were recorded at 114 Linacre Road in Litherland where they were still living during the First World War.  Nothing further is known about him or his marital status, other than that David Collett died during 1936 at the age of 45, with his death recorded at Lancashire register office (Ref. 8b 372).


Margaret Ann Collett [81P4] was born at 16 Elm Street within the Kirkdale-Bootle district of north Liverpool on 15th July 1894, the fourth child and eldest daughter of Joseph Collett and Elizabeth Sweetland, his second wife.  The birth was recorded at the Liverpool West Derby register office (Ref. 8b 447) during the third quarter of the year and, almost immediately thereafter, she was baptised at St Mary’s Church at Walton-on-the-Hill, midway between Kirkdale and Bootle, on 30th July 1894.  As simply Margaret Collett, she was six years old on the day of the census in 1901 when she was living with her family at 16 Elm Street in Bootle-cum-Linacre.  At the end of that decade Margaret and her family were recorded in the census of 1911 at 114 Linacre Road in Litherland just of few miles north of where they were living in ten years earlier, with Margaret being 16 years old and employed as a B W assistant at a lighthouse.  What happened to her after 1911 is not known, except that it was under her maiden-name that the later death of Margaret Ann Collett was recorded at Lancashire register office (Vol. 36 0879) in 1981 when her date of birth was as indicated above.


Elizabeth Mary Collett [81P5] was born at 16 Elm Street in the Kirkdale-Bootle area in 1897 with her birth recorded at West Derby register office (Ref. 8b 477) during the second quarter of the year.  Using her full name, she was baptised at St Mary’s Church at Walton-on-the-Hill on 16th August 1897, another daughter of Joseph and Elizabeth Collett.  Tragically, before reaching her second birthday, she died either at the end of 1898 or just after the start of 1899, when her death was recorded at Liverpool West Derby register office (Ref. 8b 377) during the first quarter of the latter year.


Alice Evelyn Collett [81P6] was born at 16 Elm Street in Kirkdale-Bootle on 9th October 1899, although her birth was recorded at West Derby register office (Ref. 5b 347) during the last three months of 1899 with the name Alice Eveline Collett.  Upon being baptised at the Kirkdale Church of St Mary, Walton-on-the-Hill, on 21st November 1899 she was recorded at Alice Evelyn Collett, the fifth child of Joseph Collett and Elizabeth Sweetland.  As just Alice Collett aged one year, she was listed with her family at 16 Elm Street in Bootle-cum-Linacre in the census return for 1901.  During the following decade her family moved a short distance north and in 1911 was residing at 114 Linacre Road in Litherland, where Alice was eleven years of age and attending school.


Alice was 21 when she married Robert J Roberts with their wedding day recorded at West Derby register office (Ref. 8b 743) during the first three months of 1922, where she was named as Alice E Collett.  The marriage produced three children for the couple, with all three births also recorded at the Liverpool West Derby register office, when the mother’s maiden-name in each case was confirmed as Collett.  They were Ivy E Robert (Ref. 8b 425) in the second quarter of 1923, George W Roberts (Ref. 8b 622) at the start of 1926, and Stanley J Robert (Ref. 8b 569) during the summer of 1928.  The birth of Robert John Roberts was also recorded at West Derby (Ref. 8b 444) in the spring of 1900, the son of Thomas and Sarah Roberts.  His First World War military record with the Royal Air Force, dated 16th October 1918, gave his date of birth as 28th April 1900, and his place of birth as Liverpool, when he was student wireless operator aged 18.  It was simply as Alice Roberts aged 49 that her death was recorded at Lancashire register office (Ref. 10d 313) in 1948.  It is possible that the Robert John Roberts who was buried at Allerton Cemetery in Liverpool on 17th September 1937, was her husband, but not yet confirmed.


Elizabeth Charlotte Collett [81P7] was born on 6th June 1903, possibly at 16 Elm Street in Bootle-cum-Linacre, the last child born to Joseph Collett and Elizabeth Sweetland, whose birth was recorded at West Derby register office in Liverpool (Ref. 8b 352) during the third quarter of that year.  With the family now completed, perhaps large accommodation was required because by 1911, when Charlotte Collett was seven years of age, she and her family were residing at 114 Linacre Road in Litherland, just to the north of where the family was living when Charlotte was born.  There is the possibility that she continued to be known as simply Charlotte, as Charlotte Collett married Cecil Davidson with their wedding recorded at West Derby register office (Ref. 8b 1243) during the third quarter of 1928 when she was 25.  The births of first two of their three children were recorded at West Derby register office; William C Davidson in 1929, and Phyllis M Davidson in 1931, with the birth of Ronald G Davidson in 1937 recorded at Bootle register.  In all three cases, the mother’s maiden-name was confirmed as Collett.  The later death of Charlotte Davidson was recorded at Lancashire register office (Ref. 10b 1717) during 1972, when her date of birth was birth was confirmed as 6th June 1903


Edith Mary Collett [81Q2] was born in 1919 at Bootle and was the eldest surviving child of Joseph Richard Collett junior and Mabel Mary Bell.  Her birth was recorded at West Derby register office (Ref. 8b 622) during the third quarter of that year, her older sister Lilian suffering an infant death when Edith was only a couple of months old herself.  It was during the summer of 1941 when the marriage of Edith M Collett and Owen E Hughes was recorded at Bootle register office (Ref. 8b 667).  The births of their two daughters, Jean L Hughes and Edith M Hughes, were recorded at Lancashire register office (Ref. 8b 622) in 1945 and (Ref. 10c 77) in 1948, when Collett was confirmed as their mother’s maiden-name.  When Edith M Hughes died on 23rd July 1970, she was buried at Toxteth Park Cemetery.  Seven years after being widowed, the death of Owen Eilian Hughes was recorded at Lancashire register office (Vol. 40 2103) during 1977, when his date of birth was reported to be 2nd January 1916.  The birth of Owen Eilian Hughes was recorded at West Derby register office (Ref. 8b 628) at the start of 1916.


Doris Victoria Collett [81Q3] was born at Bootle on 10th September 1921, another daughter of Joseph and Mabel Collett, whose birth was recorded at West Derby register office (Ref. 8b 605) during the last three months of that year, with her mother’s maiden-name confirmed as Bell.  She was still twenty years of age when the marriage of Doris V Collett and Henry Mount was recorded at Bootle register office (Ref. 8b 538) during the first three months of 1942.  Their marriage only produced one child, their daughter Diane F Mount, whose birth was recorded at Liverpool North register office (Ref. 8b 563) during the last three months of 1943.  The later death of Doris Victoria Mount was recorded at Lancashire register office (Vol. 40 2466) during 1991 when she was nearly 70 years old.  Three years prior to that, the death of Henry Mount was recorded at West Lancashire register office (Vol. 40 2452) at the start of 1988 when he was also 70 years old, having been born on 18th February 1918.


Douglas Haig Collett [81Q4] was born at Bootle on 29th July 1927, the fourth child and only son of Joseph and Mabel Collett.  His birth, like those of his sister, was recorded at West Derby register office (Ref. 8b 793) during the third quarter of that year, when his mother’s maiden-name was confirmed as Bell.  He was 23 years old when the marriage of Douglas H Collett and Jean Black was recorded at the Liverpool Crosby register office (Ref. 10c 248) during the summer of 1950.  Over the following fifteen years Jean gave birth to eight children, which included a set of twins.  The fact that their births were registered at different locations within the Liverpool area may indicate that Douglas’ work involved moving around.  For all eight births, the mother’s maiden-name was confirmed as Black.


The death of Douglas Haig Collett was recorded at Lancashire register office (Vol. 5901 1a) in 1993 when he was 66.  It may have been at Bootle that he passed away, since he was laid to rest at Bootle Cemetery,


81R1 - Douglas Haig Collett junior was born in 1952 at Liverpool

81R2 - Margaret J Collett was born in 1953 at Crosby, Liverpool

81R3 - David G Collett was born in 1954 at Crosby, Liverpool

81R4 - William C Collett was born in 1957 at Bootle (Ref. 10d 735) Qrt 1

81R5 - Philip John Collett was born in 1962 at Crosby, Liverpool

81R6 - Stephen R Collett was born in 1963 at Crosby, Liverpool

81R7 - Alan R Collett was born in 1965 at Liverpool North

81R8 - Gillian I Collett was born in 1965 at Liverpool North (Ref. 10d 619) Qrt 2


Jean L Collett [81Q5] was born at Bootle on 16th October 1931 and was the last child of Joseph Richard Collett and Mabel M Bell, her birth recorded at West Derby register office (Ref. 8b 773) during the first three months of that year.  It is possible that she never married because it would appear that she died while still residing in Bootle, where Jean Collett was buried at Bootle Cemetery during 2006, and the age of 74.


Douglas Haig Collett [81R1] junior was born during the summer of 1952, perhaps in Crosby where his parents were married two years earlier, and where their next two children were born.  His birth recorded at the Liverpool North register office (Ref. 10d 183) in the third quarter of that year, the eldest of the eight children of Douglas Haig Collett senior and his wife Jean, whose maiden-name was confirmed as Black.  Douglas was around twenty-three years old when he became a married man, when the wedding of Douglas H Collett and Brenda E Seddon was recorded at West Lancashire register office (Vol. 40 2276) during the third quarter of 1975.  Four years later their family had been completed following the birth of a son and a daughter, with their births recorded at the West Lancashire register office when their mother’s maiden-name was confirmed as Seddon.


81S1 – Stephen Allan Collett was born in 1976 at West Lancashire

81S2 – Lisa Jane Collett was born in 1979 at West Lancashire


Margaret J Collett [81R2] was born at Crosby, Liverpool, in 1953 with his birth recorded there (Ref. 10c 88) during the last quarter of the year, when her mother’s maiden-name was confirmed as Black.  Margaret was the second child and eldest daughter of Douglas and Jean Collett and was twenty-six when the marriage of Margaret J Collett and Gerald J Foley was recorded at Sefton South register office (Vol. 37 0297) during the spring of 1980.  By that time, the couple already had a son Barry James Foley who had been born around six to nine months earlier, with his birth recorded at Liverpool register office (Vol. 36 1641) during the third quarter of 1879 when his mother’s maiden-name was confirmed at Collett.  Margaret and Gerald had a daughter who was born just over two years after their wedding day, when the birth of Katie Louise Foley was also recorded at Liverpool register office (Vol. 36 1660) during the summer of 1982, with again the mother’s maiden-name confirmed as Collett.


David G Collett [81R3] was born with the Crosby area of Liverpool in 1954, where his birth was recorded (Ref. 10c 133) during the third quarter of the year, when his mother’s maiden-name was confirmed as Black.  He was another child of Douglas and Jean Collett.  The subsequent marriage of David G Collett and Carol Dickinson was also recorded at Crosby (Liverpool) register office (Vol 10c 342) during the summer of 1972,  Over the following twelve years, Carol gave birth to four children, with all four births recorded at Liverpool register office, where their mother’s maiden-name was confirmed at Dickinson.


81S3 – Shaun David Collett was born in 1973 at West Lancashire

81S4 – Alan Collett was born in 1975 at West Lancashire (Vol. 36 1725) Qrt 2

81S5 – Michelle Collett was born in 1976 at West Lancashire (Vol. 36 1534) Qrt 4

81S6 – Emma Louise Collett was born in 1984 at West Lancashire (Vol. 36 1845) Qrt 2


Philip John Collett [81R5] was born at Crosby in 1962, with his birth recorded there (Ref. 10c 147) during the first three months of the year, when his mother’s maiden-name was confirmed as Black.  He was the fifth of the eight children of Douglas and Jean Collett.  He was still living in Liverpool when he became a married man, with the wedding of Philip J Collett and Ann M Shea was recorded at Liverpool register office (Vol 36 375) in April 1986.  Their marriage gave the couple two sons, their births also recorded at Liverpool register office, when their mother’s maiden-name was confirmed as Shea.


81S7 – John Philip Collett was born in 1988 at Liverpool (Vol. 36 521) Qrt 2

81S8 – Joshua Joseph Collett was born in 1992 at Liverpool (Vol. 36 1143) Qrt 4


Stephen R Collett [81R6] was born at Crosby in Liverpool during the spring of 1963, where his birth was recorded (Ref. 10c 124) in the second quarter of the year, with his mother’s maiden-name confirmed as Black.  It was during September 1987 when the marriage of Stephen R Collett and Jean M Howard was recorded at Sefton South register office (Vol. 37 359).  By the autumn of 1993 Jean had given birth to three children, with all three births recorded at Liverpool register office, where Howard was confirmed as their mother’s maiden-name.


81S9 – Jennifer Collett was born in 1989 at Liverpool (Vol. 36 1802) Qrt 1

81S10 – Nicola Rose Collett was born in 1991 at Liverpool (Vol. 36 1589) Qrt 2

81S11 – Stephen Thomas Collett was born in 1993 at Liverpool (Vol. 0251d 9d) Qrt 3


Alan R Collett [81R7] was the youngest son of Douglas Haig Collett and Jean Black and was born at Liverpool in 1965.  It was at the Liverpool North register office (Ref. 10d 619) where his birth was recorded in the spring of that year when his mother’s maiden-name was confirmed as Black.  It would appear that Alan was married twice, on the first occasion in the summer of 1983, when the marriage of Alan R Collett and Susan M Harrison was recorded at Sefton South register office (Vol. 37 0373).  The second time, in October 1999, also at Sefton South (Vol. 032 0315), when that marriage was between Alan R Collett and Marjorie Garlick.  It was a result of the first marriage, that Alan’s first wife presented him with a son very shortly after their wedding day.  His birth was recorded at Liverpool register office with the mother’s maiden-name confirmed as Harrison.


81S12 – Christopher Alan Collett was born in 1983 at Liverpool (Vol. 36 1013) Qrt 4


Stephen Allan Collett [81S1] was born near the start of 1976, the first-born of the two children of Douglas Haig Collett junior and his wife Brenda E Seddon, whose birth was recorded at the West Lancashire register office during the first three months of the year (Vol. 40 2038), when his mother’s maiden-name was confirmed as Seddon.  When Stephen would have only been eighteen-and-a-half years old, a wedding of a Stephen A Collett and Michelle E Worthington was recorded at Bury register office in August 1994 (Vol. 003 0311), which may, or may not, have related to Stephen Allan Collett, son of Douglas Haig Collett junior.  Six years after that event, the wedding of Stephen A Collett and Donna Moscrop was also recorded at Bury register office (Vol. 003 0344) during the month of July in 2000, when he would have been 24 years old.  The second of these marriages produced a daughter, Annalise, when her birth was recorded at Bury register office (Vol. 0031b b73b) in September 2002, with the mother’s maiden-name confirmed as Moscrop.


81T1 – Annalise Collett was born in September 2002 at Bury


Lisa Jane Collett [81S2] was born during the first weeks and month of 1979 when her birth as the youngest child of Douglas Haig Collett and his wife Brenda was recorded at West Lancashire register office (Vol. 40 2168), with her mother’s maiden-name confirmed as Seddon.  Lisa was just over twenty years of age and still living with her parents in West Lancashire area, when the marriage of Lisa J Collett and Christopher A Bond was also recorded there (Vol. 590 1859) during the month of September in 1999.


Shaun David Collett [81S3] was born in 1973 and was the eldest of the four children of David G Collett and Carol Dickinson.  His birth was recorded at West Lancashire register office (Vol.10d 1654) during the first three months of that year, when his mother’s maiden-name was confirmed as Dickinson.  He was thirty-one years of when the marriage of Shaun David Collett and Jennifer L Linder was recorded at Liverpool register office (Vol. 025 0075) during the month of August in 2004. Just over one year after their wedding day, Jennifer presented Shaun with a son, with the birth also recorded at Liverpool register office (Vol. 0251e e49d) when the mother’s maiden-name was confirmed as Linder.


81T2 – Jack Philip Collett was born in October 2005 at Liverpool



APPENDIX TWO - 81n1 to 81u1


William Collett [81n1] would possibly have been born around the 1820s or earlier.  The only facts currently known about him are that his wife was Maria Prout and their son was born in the Liverpool area in 1851.  Whether there were other children has still to be determined.


81o1 – Joseph Collett was born in 1851 at Liverpool (West Derby)


Joseph Collett [81o1] was born at Toxteth Park in Liverpool on 6th February 1851, the son of William Collett and Maria Prout.  The later marriage of Joseph Collett and Agnes Stockdale, after the reading of banns, took place at St Michael’s Church in Liverpool on 19th February 1874, when the witnesses were Mary Jane Stockdale (Agnes’ sister) and Peter McLelland.  Joseph as 23 and a boiler maker residing at 173 Upper Frederick Street, whose father was named as William Collett, a cooper.  Agnes was 21 with no occupation, living at 253 Upper Frederick Street and the daughter of William Stockdale, a licenced victualler, and his wife Margaret McLelland from Scotland.  Their wedding was registered in Liverpool (Ref. 8b 116) during the first three months of 1874.  Less than seven months later that same year the couple’s first child was born, followed two years after by the first of two daughters.  On the day of the next census in 1881 the five members of the family were recorded at 121 Beaufort Street in the Toxteth Park district of south-east Liverpool.  Apart from head of the household Joseph who was 31 and a boiler maker born at Toxteth Park, the four other members of his family had been born in Liverpool.  They were his wife Agnes who was 27, son William who was six, and Lilian who was four years of age, with both them attending the local school by then, and one year old Peter. 


On that census, Agnes was already expecting the birth of the couple’s third child in six months’ time, with daughter Gladys Jane being born on 27th September 1881 when the family was again residing at 121 Beaufort Street in Toxteth Park.  The birth certificate also confirmed the father’s occupation as a boiler maker and the mother’s maiden-name as Stockdale, who was also the informant of the birth.  Nine years later, another daughter was added to their family, with the possibility that other children may have been born to the couple during the years in between.  On that occasion, in June 1890, the family’s home address was Cleopas Street in Toxteth Park.  One year later, the enlarged family was living at Cleopas Street in Toxteth Park when their surname was recorded in error as Callett.  Joseph was 41 and an iron ship builder, Agnes was 36, William was 16 and an office boy, Lilian was 13 and still at school, as were Peter aged 11, Gladys who was nine, Margaret who was seven, Sydney who was five, and Harold who was three years old.  The latest addition to the family, nine-month-old Agnes, was absent that day, but was with the family thereafter.


At the start of the new century, the Collett family home was again at Cleopas Street in Toxteth in 1901 when the family comprised Joseph Collett aged 51 who was an iron shipwright, Agnes Collett who was 47, unmarried son William Collett who was 27 and a rice and flour salesman, unmarried daughter Lilian Collett who was 24 and a cloakroom attendant, Peter Collett who was 21 and the manager at a musical instrument store, Gladys Collett who was 19 and a general domestic servant, Margaret Collett who was 17 with no stated job of work, Harold Collett who was 12, Agnes Collett who was 10, and Percy Collett who eight years of age.  Every member of the family had been born in Liverpool.  Ten year later, at Toxteth Park, Joseph was retired, a former shipwright with the Mersey Docks & Harbour Board at the Port of Liverpool, by which time he was 61.  Agnes was 58, Lily was 33 and a waitress in a café, as were Gladys 28 and Margaret 27, Harold was 22 and a ship’s steward with a Steam Ship Company, and Agnes was 20 and a shop assistant at a ladies outfitters.  Completing the household that day was another employee at the café, 25-year-old May Dickinson, an assistant at the café, who was boarding with the family.


In the last three census returns above, for 1891, 1901, and 1911, Joseph Collett was recorded as being 47, 57, and 67, making his year of birth around 1844, which it was not, being only three or four years older than his wife.  Only in the census was he recorded with his correct aged.  Therefore, it must be considered that the 1 was misinterpreted as a 7 in each case.  In August 1923 Joseph’s unmarried daughter Agnes travelled to America with her young nephew Sydney G R Collett [81q1] when the passenger list revealed that her father was residing at 102 Coltart Road in the Princes Park district of Liverpool.  It was therefore a year later that Joseph Collett died there on 4th August 1924 and was buried at nearby Toxteth Park Cemetery on 7th August 1924.  After a further twenty-one years as a widow, Agnes Collett passed away on 11th April 1945 at Hough Green in Widnes, south-east of Liverpool.  She had been born Liverpool in 1853, and her death was recorded at Lancashire register office (Ref. 8b 544) when she was 92.  Five days later, she was buried on 16th April 1945 at Allerton Cemetery, just south of where she had lived for much of her life.


Another Joseph Collett born in England on 27th February 1851 was born at Cheltenham, the youngest son of William Collett of Rodborough in Gloucestershire, where he was born around 1810, and his wife Deidamia (Dedemia) Prout from Nympfield in Gloucestershire of Gloucester Road in Alstone, Cheltenham.  His eldest sibling was born in Canada in 1836, although most of the other siblings were born in Cheltenham.  By the time Joseph was ten years old, he and his family were living in the County of York, at Toronto in Ontario.  And it was there that he and his wife Isabella Johnston raised six known children between 1885 and 1896.  That Joseph died at the age of 79 when he was a widower living at 5 Doncliffe Drive in Toronto, where he passed away on 9th November 1929.  He is the subject of a separate Collett family tree, that being Part 82 – The Toronto (Ontario) Collett Family From Cheltenham in England.  Rather curiously, and an obvious mistake made in error, the Canadian record of his death described him as the son of William Collett [81n1] and Maria Prout, and that he was born on 6th February 1851, instead of 27th February 1851 [in Cheltenham], with his married daughter Catherine, Mrs Carl Vivian Wallace, as the informant of his death, which is true. 


81p1 – William Stockdale Collett was born in 1874 at Toxteth Park, Liverpool

81p2 – Lilian Stockdale Collett was born in 1877 at Toxteth Park, Liverpool

81p3 – Peter Herbert Collett was born in 1879 at Toxteth Park, Liverpool

81p4 – Gladys Jane Collett was born in 1881 at Toxteth Park, Liverpool

81p5 – Margaret Ethel Collett was born in 1884 at Toxteth Park, Liverpool

81p6 – Sydney Herbert Collett was born in 1886 at Toxteth Park, Liverpool

81p7 – Harold James Collett was born in 1888 at Toxteth Park, Liverpool

81p8 – Agnes Collett was born in 1890 at Toxteth Park, Liverpool

81p9 – Percy Collett was born in 1893 at Toxteth Park, Liverpool


William Stockdale Collett [81p1] was born at Toxteth Park in Liverpool on 2nd September 1874 and was the first child born to Joseph Collett and his wife Agnes Stockdale, with his birth registered at Liverpool West Derby (Ref. 8b 218) during the last quarter of that year.  On that day the Collett family was living at 11a Northumberland Street in Toxteth Park, when the informant for the birth was M Stockdale, occupier of 11a Northumberland Street, that being William’s mother-in-law Margaret Stockdale.  At the age of six years William Collett was living with his family at 121 Beaufort Street in the Toxteth Park.  On leaving school, he took a what was a temporary job as an office boy and in 1891 he was 16 and still living with his family at Toxteth Park, but at Cleopas Street, where they were again recorded in 1901.  By that time William had established himself in the rice and flour business where he was a salesman at the age of 27.  Over the preceding weeks he had been preparing to become a married man.


Just over a week after that census day, the marriage of William Stockdale Collett and Sarah Turner took place in the parish of her birth at the Church of St Mary & St James in Great Grimsby, Lincolnshire, on 10th April 1901.  William from Liverpool was 25 and the son of Joseph Collett, while Sarah was 22, the daughter of William and Mary Turner, who had been born a Horncastle in Lincolnshire on 16th August 1878. 


Their wedding day was recorded at Grimsby register office (Ref. 7a 1647) during the second quarter of 1901 and it was virtually one year later that the couple’s first child was born at 114 Alwyn Street in Toxteth Park and was followed by the birth of a further two sons prior to the next census.  That situation was confirmed in the census conducted in 1911 when the family was residing at Toxteth Park, where William S Collett was 36 and a rice salesman employed at a local rice mill.  With him that day was his wife Sarah aged 32 and from Grimsby in Lincolnshire, sons Sydney who was nine, Herbert who was seven, and Arthur who was six years old.


It was during the last week of August in 1923, when William’s eldest son Sydney travelled to America with his maiden aunt Agnes Collett [81p8], where he created a new branch of the family after settling in New York.  The passenger list of the S S Celtic confirmed that he was the son of William Collett of 99 Blythswood Street within the Aigburth district of South Liverpool. 



On 37th November 1948, William and Sarah attended the wedding of their 44-year-old son Arthur Stockdale Collett at Prestatyn, North Wales, when he married 35-year-old Amelia Margaret Hughston (Peggy) Jarrett.


That day William was 74 and Sarah was 70.

Ten years later, William’s home address was 37 Lynmouth Road in Liverpool, although it was at Sefton General Hospital in Sefton Park, where William Stockdale Collett, a retired rice broker, died on 7th December 1958 at the age of 84, when his death was recorded at Liverpool South register office (Ref. 10d 520).  The informant of his passing was his youngest son A S Collett, also of 37 Lynmouth Road, when the causes of death were recorded as pulmonary embolus, perforated diverticulitis, and left ventricular strain.  The extended family joined in the celebration of his widow’s 100th birthday in 1978, after which it was one year, five months, and four days later, that Sarah Collett, nee Turner, died in Liverpool on 20th January 1980, where her passing was recorded (Vol. 36 0763).


81q1 – Sydney George Reginald Collett was born in 1902 at Liverpool

81q2 – William Herbert Collett was born in 1903 at Liverpool

81q3 – Arthur Stockdale Collett was born in 1904 at Liverpool

81q4 – Alice L Collett was born in 1912 at Liverpool

81q5 – Florence J Collett was born in 1917 at Liverpool

81q6 – Zena Sarah Collett was born in 1922 at Liverpool


Lilian Stockdale Collett [81p2] was born in Liverpool with her birth registered at Liverpool West Derby (Ref. 8b 241) during the first three months of 1877.  She was the second child and eldest daughter of Joseph Collett and Agnes Stockdale, who were living at 11a Northumberland Street in Toxteth Park two years earlier, so Lilian may have also been born there.  Alternatively, she may have been born at 121 Beaufort Street in the Toxteth Park, where the family was living in 1881 when Lilian was four years old and already attending school.  Ten years later the family was still living in Toxteth Park, but at Cleopas Street, where Lilian Collett was 13 years of age and was still continuing her education.  She was still a single lady in 1901 when she was 24 and a cloakroom attendant who was once again living with her family at Cleopas Street.  By 1911, Lilian was one of five grown-up children living with their parents at Toxteth Park, when she was 33 and working with her two younger sisters as waitresses at a café.  She never did marry, and was 84 years old when she died while living in North Wales during August 1961, after which the body of Lilian Stockdale Collett was returned to Toxteth Park to be buried at Allerton Cemetery on 5th September 1961.  Although her burial record stated that her last place of residence was North Wales, the death of Lilian S Collett was recorded at Cheshire register office (Ref. 10a 537) in 1961 when her year of birth was reported to be 1877.


Peter Herbert Collett [81p3] was possibly born at 121 Beaufort Street in Toxteth Park, Liverpool, towards the end of 1879, with his birth registered at Liverpool West Derby (Ref. 8b 204) during the last three months of the year, the third child of Joseph and Agnes Collett.  It was also at 121 Beaufort Street that Peter was one years old in 1881, while in 1891 he was 11 and at school when he and the family were residing at Cleopas Street in Toxteth Park.  After another decade they were still living at Cleopas Street from where Peter Collett was the manager at a musical instrument store, at the age of 21.  Just four years after that census, the marriage of Peter Herbert Collett and Jane Ann Quinnette was recorded at West Derby register office (Ref. 8b 523) during the last quarter of 1905.  It was in St Catherine’s Church at Edge Hill, Liverpool, that the wedding ceremony was conducted on 25th October 1905, when Peter Herbert of 108 Edgware Street was 26 and the son of Joseph Collett, and Jane Ann of 110 Edgware Street was 24 and the daughter of Thomas Benson Quinnette.


According to the next census in 1911, Peter and Jane had given birth to two daughters during the intervening years, by which time the four Liverpool born members of the family were recorded at Kensington, an inner-city area of Liverpool immediately to the east of the city centre, bordered by Everton to the north and Edge Hill to the south.  That day Peter Herbert Collett was 31 and employed as a superintendent with an insurance company.  His wife Jane Ann Collett was 29 and expecting the birth of her third child who was born later that same year.  The couple’s current two children were Agnes who was four and Gladys who was two years of age.  Many years later, Peter H Collett was 74 when he died on 27th March 1954 in Blackpool, with his death recorded at Lancashire register office (Ref. 10b 628).  After twenty-two years as a widow, Jane was residing in Cheshire when she died at the age of 95 with passing recorded there (Vol 37 0879) in 1976, when her date of birth was reported to be 22nd June 1881.


81q7 – Agnes Collett was born in 1906 at Toxteth Park, Liverpool

81q8 – Gladys Lilian Collett was born in 1908 at Toxteth Park, Liverpool

81q9 – Herbert Collett was born in 1911 at Kensington, West Derby


Gladys Jane Collett [81p4] was born on 27th September 1881 at 121 Beaufort Street in Toxteth Park, when her birth was registered at Liverpool Toxteth Park (Ref. 8b 238) during the fourth quarter of the year.  She was the fourth child and second daughter of Joseph and Agnes Collett.  Gladys was nine years of age in 1891 and one year earlier her sister Agnes was born at Cleopas Street in Toxteth Park, where the family was still living on the day of the census in 1891.  It was also at Cleopas Street where Gladys was 19 and working as a general domestic servant in 1901.  Ten years later, when Gladys was 28, she was working with two of her sisters as waitresses at a café.  She never married and lived a long life which ended up in Northamptonshire where she died on 23rd May 1976 at the age of 95, when her passing was recorded there (Vol. 9 00655).


Margaret Ethel Collett [81p5] was born in Liverpool on 30th January 1884, with her birth registered at Liverpool Toxteth Park (Ref. 8b 264) during the first three months of 1884, another daughter of Joseph and Agnes Collett.  It is also possible that she was born at 121 Beaufort Street in Toxteth Park, after which the family lived at Cleopas Street in Toxteth Park from around 1890 and until after 1901.  In the census of 1891 Margaret was seven years of age and was 17 in 1901 but with no occupation, when she was may have been helping her mother with household chores at Cleopas Street.  After another decade, Margaret had joined her two older sisters, when she was a waitress at a café, while still living at home in Toxteth Park aged 27.


At the start of 1919 Margaret Ethel Collett married Joseph Stockton Hind, a chauffeur, when their wedding day was recorded at Toxteth Park register office (Ref. 8b 286) during the first three months of the year.  See below.  Just over one year later the birth and death of an unnamed son was recorded at Manhattan Maternity Hospital in New York on 31st May 1920, and was laid to rest at the City Cemetery.  Nine years later in September 1929 aged 42 and again in September 1931 aged 44, the couple sailed to New York out of Southampton on the S S Olympic on both occasions.  Also making the journey with them both times was Margaret’s younger sister Agnes Collett (below).  With their nephew Sydney G R Collett having taken up American citizenship and residing in New York, it is possible they were visiting him and his family.


The later death of Margaret E Hind, who was born in 1884 and who died on 3rd September 1963, was recorded at Caernarfonshire, North Wales (Ref. 8a 79) during 1963 when she was 79.  Her husband appears to have led an interesting life after he was born at Toxteth Park in Liverpool (Ref. 8b 220) on 23rd October 1886 and baptised at the Church of St Cleopas in Toxteth Park on 28th November 1886, the son of Samuel and Mary Ellen Hind.  Almost immediately following their wedding day, Joseph and Margaret emigrated to America where they arrived on 15th June 1919.  Having lost their only known child just a year later, Joseph eventually applied for American citizenship, with the declaration form completed on 8th February 1927 when their address was 430 East 65th Street in New York, from where Joseph was working as chauffeur.  It was six years later, that Joseph received a Letter of Expatriation dated 22nd May 1933 from the United States District Court in New York which stated “This office is in possession of information showing that the person named below has lost United States citizenship since the date of naturalization.”  Although it would appear the couple was still living in America when a social security claim was made on 17th September 1951, it was not long thereafter that the couple returned to Britain and finally settled in North Wales.  Four years later, Joseph Stockton Hind died on 30th October 1955, when his death was recorded at the Bangor, Caernarfonshire register office (Ref. 8a 73) at the age of 69.


Sydney Herbert Collett [81p6] was born in 1886 at Toxteth Park, the sixth child and fourth son of Joseph and Agnes Collett.  His birth was also registered at Liverpool Toxteth Park (Ref. 8b 209) during the second quarter of the year.  By 1890 Sydney and his family was residing at 46 Cleopas Street in Toxteth Park, where Sydney was five years old on the day of the census the following year.  Tragically, two years later, seven-year-old school boy Sydney H Collett of 46 Cleopas Street in Toxteth Park died and was buried at Toxteth Park Cemetery on 18th June 1893, when his passing was recorded at Toxteth Park (Ref. 8b 200) during the second quarter of 1893.


Harold James Collett [81p7] was born in 1888 at Toxteth Park, most likely at 46 Cleopas Street where his two younger siblings were born, when his birth was registered at Liverpool Toxteth Park (Ref. 8b 240) during the spring of that year.  He was another son of Joseph and Agnes, and it was simply as Harold Collett that he was three years of age in 1891 at 46 Cleopas Street in Toxteth Park and was 12 years old in 1901, again at Cleopas Street.  Living within the Port of Liverpool, it may not have been a surprise when Harold left school, that he became drawn to a life on the sea, since he was 22 and still living with his family at Toxteth Park in 1911, by which time he was already employed as a steward with a steam ship company.  According to another source, eight years later Harold James Collett was the father of Harold Collett junior who was born somewhere (?) during 1919.  So far, the record of Harold senior being married prior to that event, nor the 1919 birth of junior, has been found.


It seems highly likely that Harold continued his working life in the Merchant Navy, where he was still employed during the Second World War, when he completed his military service.  However, prior to that, the second (?) marriage of Harold James Collett and Elsie G Leaker was recorded at the Glamorganshire Swansea register office (Ref. 11a 1184) during the first quarter of 1938 at the age of fifty.  Later that same year, their daughter and only child was born, when her birth was recorded at Swansea register office during the autumn of 1938, with her mother’s maiden-name confirmed as Leaker.  The couple then made their home in that area of South Wales where Harold James Collett was living when he died on 7th December 1953 at the age of 65, when his death was recorded at Swansea register office (Ref. 8b 639).  Elsie Grace was nine years younger than Harold, having been born on 30th August 1897 at Western Street in Swansea, the daughter of William and Emily Leaker.  The later death of Elsie Grace Collett was also recorded at Swansea register office (Vol. 27 2225) during the spring of 1974 at the age of 76.


81q10 – Patricia Grace Collett was born in 1938 at Swansea, Glamorganshire


Agnes Collett [81p8] was born at 46 Cleopas Street in Toxteth Park on 22nd June 1890, her birth recorded at Liverpool Toxteth Park register office (Ref. 8b 189) during the third quarter of the year.  Agnes would have been nine months old on the day of the Toxteth Park census of 1891 but, curiously, she was not listed with her family on that day.  Where she was that day remains a mystery, as she was 10 years old in 1901 and living with her family at Cleopas Street.  Agnes was the youngest of the five children still living with her parents at Toxteth Park in 1911, when she was working at a ladies outfitters at the age of 20.  That job appears to have been the chosen long-term occupation for Agnes who sailed across the Atlantic out of Liverpool on 23rd August 1923, bound for Boston, where she disembarked on 3rd September 1923, when the passenger list described her as being 33, a ladies outfitter and the daughter of Joseph Collett of 102 Coltart Road, Princes Park in Liverpool.  Shortly after arriving in New York, Agnes worked at the B & Altman Company Department Store.


Accompanying Agnes on the sea voyage, and the next entry on the passenger list of the S S Celtic, was Agnes’ nephew Sydney George R Collett.  He was simply listed as Sidney Collett aged 21 who was a stationery engineer and the son of Mr W Collett of 99 Blythswood Street, Aigburth in Liverpool, who had travelled there to start a new life in New York, where he established a new US line of the Collett family, the only member of this family to do so.  Other trips to America and New York followed, the next sailing out of Southampton on 11th September 1929 onboard the S S Olympic when Agnes Collett was 38 and had been issued with her visa on 27th April 1929.  On hearing that she was visiting family in the States, her older sister Margaret and her husband applied for visa a month later, which were issued on 24th May.  The passenger included all three of them travelling together.


It was a similar situation two years later, when the same three made the same journey from Southampton to New York, embarking on 9th September 1931 and again onboard the S S Olympic, when Agnes Collett was 40.  For that visit Margaret and Joseph’s visas were issue first on 21st March 1931, with Agnes’ visa issued later, on 2nd May 1931.  It is established that Agnes never married and, at some time during her life, she entered domestic service with Rachel Clopton, with whom she lived at Princeton in New Jersey until her death.  When that happened, Agnes went to live with her nephew Sydney George R Collett and his wife Mildred Kruger, at 30-51 37th Street in Long Island City, Queens County, New York, where she later died.  Agnes enjoyed a long life in America, but never took up American citizenship, and was 91 years old when she passed away at Long Island City on 27th June 1981.


Percy Collett [81p9] was the last child of Joseph Collett and Agnes Stockdale and was born at Cleopas Street, Toxteth Park in Liverpool during the spring of 1893.  His birth, like those of most of his siblings, was recorded at Liverpool Toxteth Park register office (Ref. 8b 157), and it was at Cleopas Street that he was eight years old in 1901, the last time he was living with his family.  On completing his education, it may be that Percy took up an occupation with the merchant navy, and perhaps he was at sea on the day of the census in 1911, since no record of him has been found for that day.  However, three years later, Percy Collett from Liverpool was 21 in 1914 when he joined the Kings (Liverpool) Regiment (Ref. 3055).  Although not absolutely confirmed as the son of Joseph and Agnes Collett, bachelor Percy Collett, aged 24 and a member of the crew of the S S Baltic, a saloon steward, sailed out of the Port of Liverpool on 2nd August 1917, bound for Ellis Island in New York, where they arrived on 14th August 1917.  The crew list provided extra details such that he was 5 feet 9 inches tall, weighing 126 pounds, and having a tattoo on his left wrist.  Towards the end of the First World War, Percy Collett, who was born at Liverpool in 1893, completed his military enlistment in 1918, according to the Merchant Seamen Records.


It is possible that after the war Percy became a married man, with three marriages of a Percy Collett recorded within the Liverpool area over the following decades.  The first of them was in 1919, when the marriage of Percy Collett and (1) May L Balmforth was recorded at Toxteth Park register office (Ref. 8b 269) during the first three months of that year.  Percy would have been 25 and May would have been 21, having been born within the Wavertree district of Liverpool, adjacent to Toxteth Park, the eldest daughter of Thomas and Margaret Balmforth.  It was as May Louisa Balmforth that she was baptised at Wavertree on 19th June 1897 and recorded with her family in 1901 and 1911.  The marriage of Percy and May, using the Collette spelling of their surname, gave birth to six children, the births of the first two recorded at Toxteth Park register office, the others at Liverpool register office when, for all six of them, their mother’s maiden-name was confirmed as Balmforth.  Tragedy hit the family when their youngest child was only four years old, when 34-year-old May Louisa Collett died in Liverpool in the autumn of 1934, after which she was buried at Allerton Cemetery on 27th September 1934.  It was at Lancashire register office that her early death was recorded (Ref. 8b 172).


Percy therefore needed help to look after his children, while still managing to continue working to provide for his family, particularly during WW2.  However, it was not until the summer of 1944 that he married for a second time, when the marriage of widower Percy Collett and (2) Mary T Hinton was recorded at Liverpool South register office (Ref. 8b 399).  Percy’s run of bad lucky continued when, one year after they were married, Mary Collett aged 45 died in Liverpool and was also buried at Allerton Cemetery, on 15th August 1945.  Ten years after being widowed for a second time, the marriage of Percy Collett and (3) Lilian Smith was recorded at Liverpool South register office (Ref. 10d 1184) during the first quarter of 1956.  After another six years the death of Percy Collett, at the age of 70, was recorded at Lancashire register office (Ref. 10d 543) during 1962.


Only on one occasion during his life was Percy Collett referred to as Percival Collett, and that was at the wedding of his eldest daughter Margaret a few days before St Valentine’s Day in 1943.


81q11 – Harold Collett was born in 1919 at Toxteth Park

81q12 – Margaret Collett was born in 1920 at Toxteth Park

81q13 – Eric Collett was born in 1922 at Liverpool

81q14 – Lillian Collett was born in 1923 at Liverpool

81q15 – William G Collett was born in 1926 at Liverpool

81q16 – Patricia Collett was born in 1928 at Liverpool


Sydney George Reginald Collett [81q1] was born at 114 Alwyn Street in Toxteth Park, South Liverpool on 13th April 1902 and was the eldest of six children of William Stockdale Collett and Sarah Turner.  Under his full name, but with an e added to the end of the surname, his birth was recorded at Liverpool Toxteth Park register office (Ref. 8b 194) during the second quarter of 1902.  Apart from his birth record, the only other time he was described as Sydney Collett was when he was nine years old in the Liverpool census of 1911 when he and his family were residing at Toxteth Park from where he was attending a nearby school.  At the age of 21, unmarried Sidney Collett, a stationery engineer, emigrated to the United States of America, arriving at the Port of Boston from the Port of Liverpool on 2nd September 1923, the only one of the six siblings to do so.  He was escorted on the trip by his unmarried aunt Agnes Collett [81p8].  It was almost three months after settling in America that Sidney signed a nationalisation declaration in the office of the Clerk of the Supreme Court in New York City on 22nd November 1923.  This read as follows:


“I, Sidney Collett, aged 21 years, occupation Engineer, do declare on oath that my personal description is: color white, complexion dark, height 5 feet 10 inches, weight 140 pounds, hair brown, eyes brown.  I was born in Liverpool England on 13th day of April 1902.  I now reside at 429 East 64th Street, New York City.  I emigrated to the USA on the vessel Celtic.  I am not married.  It is my bona fide intention to renounce forever all allegiance and fidelity to any foreign prince, potentate, state, or sovereignty, and particularly to George V King of Great Britain and Ireland, of whom I am now a subject.  I am not an anarchist; I am not a polygamist; and it is my intention in good faith to become a citizen of the United States of America and to permanently reside therein, so help me God.”


His application to become a US citizen was finally approved on 28th November 1928, by which time his address was 445 East 65th Street, New York, and his occupation was that of a machinist, when his Works Supervisor Patrick McGuire and his foreman was Thomas Gilroy, both confirming that they had known him from 1st October 1923 when he began employment with them.  By the time he made a visit to England in 1934, Sidney Collett was a married man.  The return passenger list into New York on 28th July 1934 confirmed his marital status, and that he was 32 years old and still employed as a machinist.  In fact, he had only been married for six weeks, so it is likely that the reason for the visit to his home town was to introduce his bride to his parents and the wider family.  It was on 14th June 1934 that the marriage licence for Sidney Collett, aged 32, and Mildred Kruger, aged 31, was approved, following which the wedding ceremony was conducted at Queens in New York on 5th July 1934.  Sidney was confirmed as the son of William Collett and Sarah Turner, and the bride’s parents named as John Kruger and Elizabeth Ritzheimer.  Mildred was born as Mildred Elizabeth Pauline Kruger on 16th March 1903 at Lindenhurst in New York


The New York census in 1940 included the family living in Long Island City, Queens County, where they had also been residing in 1935.  Sidney Collett from England was 37 and a machinist, his wife Mildred Collett born in New York was 36, and their son Ronald Collett was one year old.  Ten years later the 1950 census again recorded the family at Long Island City when Sidney and Mildred were both 47, with Sidney employed in the maintenance department of the New York Board of Transportation, and Mildred a census taker (enumerator) for the Department of Commerce.  On that day their son Ronald Collett was 11 years of age.


Another trip to England took place in 1959 only months after the death of his father with, once again, the return journey to New York on 12th September that year providing his date of birth as 13th April 1902 and his age as 57, when he was still married and his occupation was in the maintenance business.  At the end of his life Sidney Collett was 82 years old and living at Morganville, Marlboro Township in Monmouth County, New Jersey when he died on 5th July 1984 at Holmdel, Monmouth County, New Jersey.  As regards his other siblings, his present-day American family was aware that his sister Florence was living at Southwell in Nottinghamshire, England, when she celebrated her ninety-ninth birthday in May 2016.  His widow Mildred died at Perrineville in Monmouth County on 16th June 1996.


81r1 – Ronald Arthur Collett was born in 1939 at Long Island City, Queens County (New York)


William Herbert Collett [81q2] was born at Toxteth Park in Liverpool on 1st August 1903, where his birth was registered (Ref. 8b 222) during the third quarter of that year.  Shortly after he was born, he was baptised on 6th September 1903, another son of William and Sarah Collett.  It was at Toxteth Park in Liverpool where the family was living in 1911 when Herbert Collett was seven years old and attending the local school.  Over the following decades it may have been William’s occupation that took him south to the Kent area of South London where, at the age of 36, the marriage of William H Collett and Marjorie A Moody took place at St Michael’s Church in Welling on 7th October 1939, as recorded at Dartford register office (Ref. 2a 3408).  Marjorie Ada Moody was born at Bromley in Kent on 3rd November 1912, with her birth recorded at Bromley register office (Ref. 2a 1004), meaning she was nearly 27 years old on her wedding day. 


Two months earlier, the Second World War had started, with newly married William Herbert Collett from Liverpool serving the Merchant Navy, with the record at that confirming his year of birth as 1903.  The fact that they only had one child, born just over three years later, many indicate that William was away from home during the war.  Marjorie Ada Collett died at Welling in Kent on 9th June 1974, with her passing recorded at London register office (Vol. 12 1268), when her date of birth was confirmed as 3rd November 1912.  Nearly twenty-four years after being widowed, the death of William Herbert Collett, who was born on 1st August 1903, was recorded at Bexley register office (Vol. 2201c a27c) following his passing at Welling in Kent on 19th May 1998.


81r2 – Pauline Stockdale Collett was born in 1943 at Barnehurst, Bexley, London


Arthur Stockdale Collett [81q3] was born at Toxteth Park, Liverpool on 19th November 1904, with his birth registered there (Ref. 8b 230) near the end of the year, but excluding Stockdale, which was add shortly thereafter.  It was early in the following year that as Arthur Stockdale Collett he was baptised on 15th January 1905, the third child of William Stockdale Collett and Sarah Turner.  On the day of the census in 1911 he and his family were residing within the Toxteth area of south Liverpool, where Arthur Collett was six years of age and at school. 


It is possible that he was married twice in his life, on the first occasion he was approaching his twenty-first birthday when the marriage of Arthur Collett and (1) May Price was recorded at Liverpool register office (Ref. 8b 155) during the third quarter of 1925.  May Price was born on 2nd May 1903 and was baptised at Everton on 17th May that year, the daughter of George and Catherine Price, and she presented Arthur with two daughters.  Both their births were recorded at Liverpool register office when their mother’s maiden-name was confirmed as Price. 


81r3 – Thelma May Collett was born in 1926 at Liverpool

81r4 – Cecily A Collett was born in 1933 at Liverpool


Confirmation of the later marriage of Arthur Stockdale Collett has now been received from the present-day family by way of the wedding invitation sent to Zena Sarah Collett [81q6] and her husband Stanley Radford, which reads as follows: “Mr & Mrs John Davies request the pleasure of the company of Mr & Mrs S Radford on the occasion of the marriage of their sister Amelia Margaret Hughston Jarrett with Mr Arthur Stockdale Collett at the Parish Church, Prestatyn, on Saturday, November 27th 1948 at 12.30 o’clock.  Reception afterwards at the Palladium Café, High Street, Prestatyn”


Saturday 27th November 1948

Sarah Collett (Turner) – Zena Radford (Collett) – Arthur & Peggy – Stanley Radford – William Stockdale Collett


Eight days prior to the wedding Arthur had celebrated his 44th birthday, while his bride would have been 35 years of age, with Amelia Margaret Hughston Jarratt having been born on 29th June 1913 at Prestatyn in Denbighshire, where the couple’s wedding day was also recorded (Ref. 8a 1126).  Amelia’s birth, using her full name, was recorded at Chester register office (Ref. 8a 759) during the summer of 1913.  His elderly parents attended their wedding and ten years later Arthur’s father died in Sefton General Hospital in Liverpool, when the informant of his passing was Arthur Stockdale Collett of 37 Lynmouth Road, which was also the address of his parents.


Her date of birth (above) was confirmed when the death of Amelia Margaret Hughston Collett, who was known as Peggy, was recorded at Lancashire register office (Vol. 36 1293) in 1985.  Arthur Stockdale Collett was 89 years old when he died on in Liverpool on 11th March 1994, with his death recorded at Lancashire register office (Vol. 0251g g11d). 


Alice Lilian Collett [81q4] was born on 2nd August 1912 at Toxteth Park, Liverpool, the fourth child and eldest daughter of William and Sarah Collett whose birth was recorded at Toxteth Park register office (Ref. 8b 419) during the third quarter of the year, where her mother’s maiden-name was confirmed as Turner.  It was in 1938 that the marriage of Alice L Collett and Cyril Yates was recorded at the Liverpool South register office (Ref. 8b 8) during the third quarter of that year.  Cyril was born in Liverpool on 7th October 1914, with his birth also recorded at Toxteth Park register office (Ref. 8b 276).  They had two children, the first being Michael John Yates who was born at Basford in Nottinghamshire on 29th September 1939, with Collett confirmed as his mother’s maiden-name.  Five years after that, Alice presented Cyril with a daughter, Margaret Susan Yates, who was born in Liverpool on 7th April 1945, her birth recorded at Lancashire register office (Ref. 8b 284), when the mother’s maiden-name was again confirmed as Collett.  Cyril was 85 years old when he died on 4th March 1999 in Widnes, south-east of Liverpool, with his passing recorded at Cheshire register office (Vol. 3431b 3b).  Alice survived him by only seventeen months when she died on 6th August 2000 at the age of 87, expect that the death of Alice Lilian Yates was recorded at Lancashire register office (Vol. 0231a a39), maybe indicating that she was no longer residing in Widnes


Daughter Margaret married Peter William Bert King in Liverpool on 1st May 1970, Peter having been born in Staffordshire on 30th March 1941, who died at Liverpool on 10th May 2008.  Their three children are: Helen Victoria King, born 22nd September 1976 at Whiston on Merseyside; Rachel Katherine King born on 6th January 1979 at Widnes; and Michael William King born on 28th January 1981 at Whiston.


Florence Jean Collett [81q5] was born on 20th May 1917 at Toxteth Park, Liverpool, another daughter of William and Sarah Collett, when her birth was also recorded at Toxteth Park register office (Ref. 8b 347) during the second quarter of the year.  Once again, her mother’s maiden-name was confirmed as Turner.  Florence was twenty-four years old when the wedding of Rudolf Francois Lorisovitch Rougeault-Ceniavine and Florence Jean Collett was conducted on 31st May 1941, and recorded at Liverpool South register office (Ref. 8b 8).  Rudolf was on Jersey in the Channel Isles on 28th October 1914.  Nine months after their wedding day, Wendy Suzanne Rougeault was born on 12th February 1942 at Moreton in Cheshire, and she married Kenneth Turk who was born on 12th February 1940 in Reading.  Three years later, the birth of the couple’s second child Jill Bernice Rougeault-Ceniavine was born at Wallasey on 14th May 1945, when her birth was recorded at Cheshire register office (Ref. 8a 1003) when her mother’s maiden-name was confirmed as Collett.  Although not proved, one source suggests that Florence was living at Southwell in Nottinghamshire when she died, and that her husband Rudolf died on 9th July 1993, but with location given.  Daughter Jill married Michael Ball on 30th March 1968, who had been born at Doncaster on 12th May 1942.  It was at Newark in Nottinghamshire that Jill Bernice Ball died on 16th June 2021.


Zena Sarah Collett [81q6] was born on 19th July 1922 at Toxteth Park, Liverpool and was the sixth and last known child of William Stockdale Collett and Sarah Turner.  Her birth was recorded at Toxteth Park register office (Ref. 8b 429) during the third quarter of the year, when her mother’s maiden-name was confirmed as Turner.  Her name was mistakenly written or mis-interpreted as Lena S Collett when she married Stanley J Radford at Liverpool on 20th September 1947, with their wedding recorded at the Liverpool South register office (Ref. 10d 1016).  There followed three children who were: John Stephan Radford who was born in Liverpool on 17th June 1949 when his birth was recorded at Lancashire register office (Ref. 10d 546) who later married Tricia Gooding on 14th February 1981; Pamela Zena Radford born on 3rd June 1953 at Woolton, whose birth was recorded at Liverpool South register office (Ref. 10d 1076), and she married Brian Bellis on 16th June 1973; with David Neil Radford also born at Woolton on 4th May 1960 (Ref. 10d 1109) who married Paula Hayes. 


Stanley John Radford was born at Toxteth Park in Liverpool on 10th February 1915, and he died in Liverpool on 7th November 2007.  His funeral service was conducted at St Peter’s Church in Woolton on Friday 16th November, after which he was buried at Allerton Cemetery.  The notice of his passing was printed in the local newspaper on 13th November, and read as follows:  “RADFORD, Stanley John, aged 92 years, loving husband of Zena, beloved dad of John, Pam, and Dave, dearest papa to Drew, Angela, and Lydia, father-in-law to Tricia and Brian.  Died peacefully and will be greatly missed by all who knew him.”


Zena appears to have lived all her life on Merseyside, and she was 89 years and three days old when she died there on 23rd July 2011, within the Woolton area, south-east of Liverpool City Centre.  Her obituary published on 29th July 2011 read as follows.  “RADFORD, Zena Sarah, died peacefully in her sleep, aged 89 years.  Reunited with her beloved husband Stan.  Much loved mum of John, Pam, and Dave, mother-in-law of Tricia, dearly loved grandma of Drew, Angela, and Lydia.”  Her funeral took place on Friday 5th August at St Peter’s Church in Woolton as was followed by cremation at Springwood Crematorium in Allerton.


Foot Note:  The photographs that have been added in March 2024 were generously provided by Pam Bellis, former Pamela Zena Radford, the daughter of Zena Sarah Collett (above)


Agnes Collett [81q7] was born on 22nd August 1906 at Toxteth Park in Liverpool, where her birth was recorded (Ref. 8b 131) during the last three months of the year.  She was the eldest of the three children of Peter Herbert Collett and Jane Ann Quinnette.  She was four years of age in the census of 1911 when Agnes and her family were living in the Kensington area of central Liverpool, with the family awaiting the arrival of the last child to complete the family group.  Agnes was thirty-four years old when the marriage of Arthur Todd and Agnes Collett was recorded at Liverpool South register office (Ref. 8b 11) during the second quarter of 1941.  By marrying late in her life, Agnes only gave birth to one child, their son Michael A Todd whose birth was recorded at Cheshire register office (Ref. 10a 1137) during 1947, when his mother’s maiden-name was confirmed as Collett.  It was also at Cheshire that the later death of Agnes Todd was recorded (Vol. 37 1039) at the age 68, when she died at Wallasey during the month of June in 1975.


Gladys Lilian Collett [81q8] was born on 11th October 1908 at Toxteth Park in Liverpool, with her birth recorded at Toxteth Park register office (Ref. 8b 199) during the final quarter of the year.  It was simply as Gladys Collett that she was two years old in 1911, by which time the family home was in Kensington, Liverpool.  She was thirty years old when the wedding of Gladys Lilian Collett and Robert Cecil Conroy Jarrett was conducted on 9th July 1939 at St Mary’s Kirkdale at Walton-on-the-Hill, with the event recorded at Liverpool North register office (Ref. 8b 1089)  Robert was from West Hartlepool in County Durham, where he was born on 7th May 1910 with his birth recorded there (Ref. 10a 166) as Robert Cecil C Jarrett.


The marriage produced no issue, with Robert employed by the Colonial Police Service in Palestine and Nigeria for over thirty years for which he was honoured with the award of the CBE and BEM.  Upon his retirement, the couple settled at Prestatyn in Wales, where they purchased the bungalow of his widowed Aunt Flo Jarrett that was ‘Wyle Cop’, Victoria Road in Prestatyn.  It was there that Gladys died in 1966 at the age of 57, with her death recorded at Denbighshire register office (Ref. 8a 547).  Five years after being widowed, Robert married Sheila M Markland, when he was 61 and she was 27.  They lived at 53 Orme View Drive in Prestatyn and had a son Paul Robert Jarrett who was only two years old when Robert died on 9th November 1974.


Herbert Collett [81q9] was born on 5th July 1911 at Kensington not far from the centre of Liverpool, when his birth was recorded at the West Derby register office (Ref. 8b 1095) during the third quarter of the year, when his mother’s maiden-name was confirmed as Quinnette, the youngest child of Peter Herbert Collett and Jane Ann Quinnette.  He was 22 years old when two marriages of Herbert Collett and Lillie Harris recorded at the Birkenhead, Cheshire register office (Ref. 8a 1223) towards the end of 1933, and again at the same register office (Ref. 8a 1333) during the second quarter of 1934.  That confused situation may have arisen because it was earlier, during the first three months of 1930, that the birth of son Albert R Collett was recorded at Liverpool register office (Ref. 8b 487) when his mother’s maiden-name was confirmed as Harris. 


Another son was born around nine months after the couple’s second wedding day, when the birth of Anthony P Collett was recorded at Birkenhead register office at the start of 1935, when Harris was again the mother’s maiden-name.  When Herbert Collett died, he was residing in Cheshire, where his death was recorded (Ref. 0381 53a) in 1996.  For the last decade of his life, he was a widower, following the earlier death of Lillie Collett, nee Harris, which was also recorded at Cheshire register office (Vol. 37 1069), in 1986 when her date of birth was recorded as 13th February 1913.


81r5 - Albert R Collett was born in 1930 at Liverpool; died at Hampshire (Ref. 2c 10)

81r6 – Anthony P Collett was born in 1935 at Birkenhead, Cheshire


Patricia Grace Collett [81q10] was born at Swansea in Glamorganshire in 1938 and within only a few months after her parents, Harold James Collett and Elsie Grace Leaker, were married in the spring of that same year.  She was their only child, whose birth was recorded at Swansea register office (Ref. 11a 1195) during the third quarter of 1938, with her mother’s maiden-name confirmed as Leaker.  Patricia was nineteen years old when the marriage of Derek B Ayres and Patricia G Collett was recorded at Swansea register office (Ref. 8b 1793) during the third quarter of 1957.  Their marriage produced two children, with the first of them being Stephen M Ayres, whose birth was recorded at Swansea (Ref. 8b 935) during the third quarter of 1958, the second being Caroline J Ayres who was born after the family settled in Merthyr Tydfil, where her birth was recorded (Ref. 8b 644) during the second quarter of 1962.  On both occasions, the mother’s maiden-name was confirmed as Collett. 


Harold Collett [81q11] was born at Toxteth Park on 15th July 1919, the first of the six children of Percy Collett by his first wife May Louisa Balmforth.  His birth was recorded at Toxteth Park register office (Ref. 8b 368) during the third quarter of 1919 with Balmforth confirmed as his mother’s maiden-name.  Harold was one year old when he was baptised at St Michael’s Church in Garston, Liverpool on 26th October 1920 when his parents were confirmed as Percy and May Collett.  Sadly, he did not survive for long after that day, with the infant death of Harold Collett recorded at Lancashire register office (Ref. 8b 731) early in 1921 and who was buried at Allerton Cemetery.


However, thanks to new information received from Ron Collett [81r1] in 2024 we now know that the above Harold who died in 1921 was not the son of Percy and May.  Their son Harold emigrated to Australia where he married Denise Ellen Dyer, with whom he had six children before he died in 2008.  It was at Palmyra, Fremantle, in Western Australia, that Harold Collett (Collette) died and was buried at Fremantle Cemetery on 5th September 2008, whose date of birth was confirmed as 15th July 1919.  The six children of Harold and Denise Collette are: Ian Harold Collette, Stephen D Collette, Peter J Collette, Neil Collette, Denise Collette, and Phillip Collette, about whom nothing is currently known.


Margaret Collett [81q12] was born at Toxteth Park in 1920 with her birth recorded there (Ref. 8b 351) during the final quarter of that year, when her mother’s maiden-name was confirmed as Balmforth.  Margaret was 22 years old when her marriage to Cecil Myers Tenneson took place on 9th February 1943, with her father confirmed as Percival (Percy) Collett.  Cecil was 23 and the son of Ernest Tenneson, while the couple’s big day was recorded at Prescot register office (Ref. 8b 1021), eight miles east of Liverpool.  It was also at Prescot in Lancashire where Cecil Myers Tenneson was born on 8th July 1919.  That marriage gave Cecil and Margaret two children, and they were Graham Myers Tenneson born in 1945, and Jennifer Myers Tenneson born in 1948 with both births recorded at Lancashire register office when the mother’s maiden-name was confirmed as Collett.  Nine years later during the spring of 1957, another child was born to Tenneson/Collett parents, but that was at Welton in Lincolnshire, the child being Paul Myers Tenneson, there a similar trend with all three offspring.  It is interesting, that all the records for Margaret spelt her surname as Collette, whilst it was at Peterborough that the couple were residing, when first Margaret Tenneson died on 20th November 2009, followed two months later, by Cecil Myers Tenneson who also died there on 1st February 2010, when his date of birth was confirmed as stated above.


Eric Collett [81q13] was born at Liverpool in 1922 where his birth was recorded (Ref. 8b 176) during the second quarter of the year, when his mother’s maiden-name was confirmed as Balmforth.  Eric was only eight years old when he died near the end of May in 1930, when the family home was living at Wavertree in Liverpool, following which he was buried with his brother Harold (above) at Allerton Cemetery on 29th May 1930.  His passing was recorded at Lancashire register office (Ref. 8b 291).


Lillian Collett [81q14] was born at Liverpool on 23rd November 1923, another child of Percy and May Collett.  It was during the last three months of the year when her birth was recorded at Liverpool register office (Ref. 8b 360) where her mother’s maiden-name was confirmed as Balmforth.  Twenty-years later, the marriage of Lillian Collett and Joseph W Bradley was recorded at the Cheshire Wallasey register office (Ref. 10a 1825) during the third quarter of 1948.  Not long after their wedding day, Joseph’s work took the couple south, where they settled in Essex where their two children were born and where Lillian Bradley died on 1st October 2001 at Southend-on-Sea.  The birth of their son Derek J Bradley was recorded at Rochford register office (Ref. 4a 896) during the second quarter of 1951.  Less than four years after the birth of their daughter Jane S Bradley was recorded at Southend-on-Sea register office (Ref. 4a 928) during the first three months of 1955.  In both cases, the mother’s maiden-name was confirmed as Collett.


William G Collett [81q15] was born at Liverpool in 1926 another son of Percy and May Collett.  His birth was recorded at Liverpool register office (Ref. 8b 222) during the summer months of the year, when his mother’s maiden-name was confirmed as Balmforth.  Very little is known about him, with the record of the much later marriage of William G Collett and Yvonne Darch at Crosby north of Liverpool early in 1973 being the only other detail that might apply to him.


Patricia Collett [81q16] was born at Toxteth Park in Liverpool on 17th June 1928, when her birth as the last child of Percy Collett and May Louisa Balmforth was recorded at Liverpool register office (Ref. 8b 351).  The record of her birth also confirmed that her mother’s maiden-name was Balmforth.  It was at Wavertree that the family was residing in 1930 when Patricia’s older brother Eric died.  Patricia was 20 years of age when she married David Shirra in 1948, who was born in 1926, with their wedding recorded at Liverpool North register office (Ref. 10d 657) during the summer of that year.  During the following years Patricia gave birth to three children, with the first two being Jacqueline Shirra born in Liverpool during 1949 (Ref. 10f 347) who married Ronald A Faunlteroy, and Michael David Shirra born in 1950 (Ref. 10d 601).  By that time, David may have been considering emigrating to New Zealand, and it was around 1952 that the couple’s third child Duncan Craig Shirra was born.  However, no record of his birth has been located in England, so there is every possibility that he was born in New Zealand.  If that was the case, then he and his mother must have been visitors to England in 1967, when 15-year-old student Duncan Craig Shirra accompanied his mother, Patricia Shirra aged 39, when they sailed to New Zealand and disembarked at Wellington on 24th July 1967.  However, it is confirmed that Patricia died in Australia during 2014 when her surname was not Shirra.


Another source suggests that Patricia was married three times in her life, but the order given cannot be correct, bearing in mind she was twenty when she married David Shirra who, of the three, was the third named.  The other two, to whom she must have been married after 1967, were (1) Mr Bevan and (2) Guiseppe Sciacca.


Ronald Arthur Collett [81r1] known as Ron, was born at Long Island City in the Queensborough district of New York on 19th February 1939, the only child of Sidney Collett from Liverpool in England and his wife Mildred Kruger.  He was 31 when he married (1) Marillea Adams Boyte at Medford Lakes in Burlington, New Jersey on 6th June 1970.  Marillea was born on 25th July 1943 at Camden in Camden County, New Jersey, and she gave birth to two sons, and later died on 14th May 2001 at Freehold in Monmouth County.  Seven years later it was at Wallkill in Orange County, New York that Ron married (2) Jean Katherine Smith, nee McEvilly, on 27th September 2008, who was born on 17th May 1942.


In 2016 Ron was living at Wayne Township in Passaic County in New Jersey when, during a Rocky Mountains excursion while on a holiday in Canada, he met John Collett and his wife Patricia, from Mount Waverley, a suburb of Melbourne in Australia.  During that excursion, Ron and John got talking about their families, when John suggested that Ron might like to check-out the Collett Family History website, which he did.  When he could not find any mention of his grandfather William Stockdale Collett, he contacted website manager Brian Collett which resulted to the compilation of this appendix to Part 81 – The West Derby (Liverpool) Line.


81s1 – Adam Stockdale Collett was born in 1973 at Suffolk County, New York

81s2 – Christopher Edward Collett was born in 1977 at Monmouth County, New Jersey


Pauline Stockdale Collett [81r2] was born at Barnehurst within the London Borough of Bexley on 21st February 1943, when her birth as simply Pauline Collett was recorded at Dartford register office (Ref. 2a 1710) where her mother’s maiden-name was confirmed as Moody.  Upon being married to Danny Maurice Eris Lawless on 26th August 1967 at the Church of St Mary the Virgin in Welling, Kent, she was recorded as Pauline Stockdale Collett.  The event was recorded at Bexley register office (Ref. 5a 552).  Danny was born at Sidlesham near Chichester in West Sussex on 19th February 1941.  The births of their two children were recorded at Bexley register office when their mother’s maiden-name was confirmed as Collett.  They were Kimberley Sarah Lawless (Ref. 5a 1317) born on 16th August 1969, who married John Wyndham Barton at Sidcup in Kent on 27th November 1992, who was born at Maidstone on 23rd November 1963.  Colette Lawless (Ref. 5a 1237) was born on 11th March 1973 and she married Graham David Parsons at Sidcup on 30th June 1995 who was born at Farnborough in the south-east area of London in Kent on 10th February 1965.


Thelma May Collett [81r3] was born in Liverpool on 13th March 1926, where her birth was recorded (Ref. 8b 361) during the second quarter of the year, when her mother’s maiden-name was confirmed at Price.  She was the first of two daughters born to Arthur Stockdale Collett and his first wife May Price.  Thelma was thirty-one years of age when the marriage of Thelma M Collett and Albert Deane was recorded at the Liverpool South register office (Ref. 10d 701) during the spring of 1957.  It was one year later that their only child, daughter Colette E Deane, was born with her birth recorded at Liverpool South register office (Ref. 10d 870) during the second quarter of 1958.  Much later in their life, Albert and Thelma appear to be residing in Hampshire when, during 1995 and at the age of 69, the death of Thelma May Deane was recorded at Hampshire register office (Vol. 5013 h41).


Cecily A Collett [81r4] was born in 1933 at Liverpool, with her birth recorded there (Ref. 8b 303) during the third quarter of that year, when her mother’s maiden-name was confirmed as Price.  She was the second and last child from the marriage of Arthur and May Collett.  Four years prior to the wedding of her older sister Thelma (above), Cecily was only twenty-one when the marriage of Cecily A Collett and Phillip Croxton was recorded at the Liverpool South register office (Ref. 10d 1106) during the summer of 1954.  Over the following years, Cecily gave birth to two children, the births of whom were also recorded at Liverpool South, when their mother’s maiden-name was confirmed at Collett.  They were Steven P Croxton (Ref. 10d 869) at the end of 1956, and Jane A Croxton (Ref. 10d 1165) at the start of 1962. 


Anthony P Collett [81r6] was born in 1935 at Birkenhead in Cheshire, where his birth was recorded (Ref. 8a 778) during the first quarter of 1935, when his mother’s maiden-name was confirmed as Harris.  He was the younger of the two sons of Herbert Collett and Lillie Harris.  Anthony was 24 when he married Shirley MacKinnon in 1959, their webbing recorded at Wallasey, Cheshire, register office (Ref. 10a 1075) during the last three months of the year.  They had one son whose birth was also recorded at Wallasey register office (Ref. 10a 844 during the last quarter of 1960, when the mother’s maiden-name was confirmed as MacKinnon.


81s3 - Neil A Collett was born in 1960 at Wallasey, Cheshire


Adam Stockdale Collett [81s1] was born on 17th January 1973 at East Patchogue in Suffolk County, New York, the older of the two sons of Ronald Arthur Collett and Marillea Adams Boyte.  Just before the end of the century, Adam married Jennifer Ann Bennett on 15th May 1999 at East Brunswick in Middlesex County, New Jersey.  Jennifer was born at Endicott, Broome County, New York on 14th July 1971.


81t1 – Nicole Rose Collett was born in 2000 at Reading, USA

81t2 – Andrew Vincent Collett was born in 2003 at Atlanta, USA

81t3 – Zachary Stockdale Collett was born in 2006 at Atlanta, USA


Christopher Edward Collett [81s2] was born at Freehold, Monmouth County, in New Jersey on 5th February 1977, the younger son of Ronald and Marillea Collett.  He later married Jennifer Susan Caga at Holmdel, Monmouth County on 6th November 2009.  Jennifer had been born on 9th June 1982 at Perth Amboy in Middlesex County.


81t4 – Sophia Marillea Collett was born in 2012 at Red Bank, Monmouth County, New Jersey

81t5 – Mason Christopher Collett was born in 2014 at Red Bank, Monmouth County, New Jersey


Nicole Rose Collett [81t1] was born on 15th September 2000 at Reading in Berkshire County, Pennsylvania, the eldest of the three children of Adam Stockdale Collett and Jennifer Ann Bennett.  Her daughter was born at Atlanta, in Fulton County, Georgia.


81u1 – Haleigh Ann Collett was born on 5th February 2022 at Atlanta