The Will of Alice Collett (1D1) of Over Slaughter

made on 20th June 1557

and proved on 21st July 1557



In the name of God Amen on the twentieth day [xxth day] of June in the year of our Lord fifteen-fifty-seven I Alyce Collett of the parish of Over Slaughter widow sick in body being in my perfect mind do make my testament in manner and form following


First, I bequeath my soul to all mighty God, the Blessed virgin saint Mary and all the holy company in heaven to pray for me and my body to the earth


I bequeath to the mother church two Pence, I bequeath to the high alter of my parish church two Pence, I bequeath to my said parish church a sheep


I bequeath to every God child that I have four Pence


I bequeath to every child’s child that I have a sheep except the children of Anthony Taylor


I bequeath to my son John Collett ten sheep


I bequeath to every one of my daughters a cow and because I have four daughters and but three cows I give to her that have not a cow six sheep


I bequeath to Elizabeth Howford a sheep and to Eleanor Taylor a sheep


I bequeath to my Godson William Collett a sheep


I bequeath to Thomas Bayliss the quarter of malt that John Bayliss oweth me


I bequeath to Elizabeth my daughter my best kettle two smocks my best hat and my best cape


The residue of my goods unbequeathed my legacies paid I do give to my son Henry Collett whom I do make my whole executor overseers of this my Will Robard Rooke and Steven Mathew and for their pains taken I give each of them a sheep



The Will was witnessed by those present:  John Bayliss, Robart Rooke and Thomas Bayliss with  others


Anthony Taylor was husband to Alice Collett (Ref. 1E5)

John Collett (Ref. 1E8), Elizabeth Collett (Ref. 1E4) Henry Collett (Ref. 1E3)

Elizabeth Howford has not been identified


Eleanor Taylor may have been the daughter of Alice Collett (Ref. 1E5)

John Bayliss was the husband of Elizabeth Collett (Ref. 1E4)

and Thomas Bayliss may have been his father


Robert Rooke was likely related to Richard Rooke,

who married Marian Collett (Ref. 1E1)