The Will of Anne Carter (Ref. 52A/F1) of London

 was made on 31st March 1647

amended on 8th June 1647

and proved on 27th September 1647

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In the name of God Amen, I Anne Carter of London widow calling to mind the mortality of this my frail body, and being of perfect and good memory, thanks to the Lord Almighty, do make this my last Will and Testament in writing as followeth viz


I commit my soul into the hand and protection of Almighty God resting assured that through the suffering and merits of my Saviour Jesus Christ I shall be raised knowing assuredly my redeemer liveth and that I shall see him face to face


And concerning my carcass when it shall please God to take me out of this life I desire it may be in a decent manner buried as near as may be to my loving and dear husband John Collet deceased at the Parish Church called All Hallows Lumbard (Lombard) Street in London at the discretion of my executors hereafter mentioned in this my last Will and Testament


And concerning that worldly estate that hath pleased God in his great mercy to bestow on me I give and bequeath as followeth:


Concerning the charge and expense of my burial I desire the sum of ten pound to be expended whereof I desire .... may be given to the poor of the Parish of All Hallows Lumbard (Lombard) Street and .... to the poor of the Parish of Greenwich in Kent at the discretion of my executors


And concerning the lease of my house in Gration (Gracious) Street London commonly called or known by the sign of the Barrell and Oyster I give grant and assign the same to my loving daughter Hanna Lanier and her husband Clement Lanier


And my will and meaning is that they or one of them shall pay unto my loving son Thomas Collett the sum of ten pounds for the last year’s profit of the lease which sum of £.... is then to be paid to my executors, if he be then living; and if no casualty of fire falleth upon the same house in the mean space


I further give unto my son Richard Collett two featherbeds and bolsters and a green rug, and one pillow and the double bedstead canopy to it


I give to my son William Collett one featherbed and bolster if he be then living and come personally to demand the same


I give to my son Thomas Collett one featherbed and bolster if he be then living and come personally to demand the same


I give to my grandchild John Lanier one featherbed and bolster


I give to my grandchild Hannah one featherbed bolster and rug ebony bedstead and other necessaries to it with the childbed sheet and chest with drawers and a trundle-bed belonging and used to the ebony bedstead


Moreover I give to my son Richard a cedar table three stools and one cedar chest and a picture which represents the Land of Flanders and six turkey-work stools


Lastly I give to my three children George Collett, Valentine Collett, and Elizabeth to everyone of them five shillings a piece to buy them gloves or rings in remembrance of me


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And concerning all other my estate goods and chattels whatever or where so ever I give and bequeath to my loving son-in-law Clement Lanier and Hannah Lanier his wife whom I make and ordain the full and whole executors of this my last Will and Testament, revoking and disclaiming all other former Wills and Testaments whatsoever


And lastly I desire my honoured friend Dr. Critten of Greenwich and my son Richard Collett to be my friends and to see, as much as in them lyeth, the performance of this my last Will and Testament, with my hand and seal the last day of March in the year of our Lord God One Thousand Six Hundred Forty and Seven

Annoq Caroli Regis xxiii {the 23rd year in the reign of King Charles the First}


Signed Anne Carter


Published signed sealed and delivered by Anne Carter as her last Will and Testament in the presence of us Richard Bassano and Francis Collyer





MEMORANDA  Whereas I have formerly made my last Will and Testament bearing date the last day of March Anno Domini 1647 and annexed to these presents by which Will and Testament I have given to Thomas Collett my son the sum of ten pounds to be paid out of the profit of my lease on my house in Gration (Gracious) Street as by the said Will appears I do by these presents revoke and recall the said gift of £.... so given to the said son Thomas Collett and give the whole benefit thereof to my son-in-law Clement Lanier and my daughter Hannah his wife in respect of the great care charge and trouble they are at and expend in my tedious sickness I do also further by these presents recall and revoke all the gift of the goods given to my son Richard Collett by the said Will except one featherbed bolster and pillow one green rug double bedstead and canopy to it, all the rest of the goods given formerly to my son Richard Collett by the said Will I do give and grant the same to my son-in-law Clement Lanier and his wife Hannah my daughter


All the rest and residue of my last Will of which this is part I desire it may stand remain and be as therein is expressed and declared in witness whereof I have put my hand and seal this eighth day of June Anno Domini 1647

Annoq Caroli Regis xxiii {the 23rd year in the reign of King Charles the First}


Signed Anne Carte


Sealed and published by Anne Carter widow in the presence of us Richard Bassano, Jno Crewe and Willis Lloyd





Probatum:  27th September 1647 at Greenwich



The aforementioned children of Anne Carter can be found in the Appendix 1

to Part 52 – The England to Baltimore Line

starting with John Collett (Ref. 52A/G1) to Thomas Collett (Ref. 52A/G10)